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#1 - Checkmate Challenge Shortest Chess Game Puzzle
Can you determine the minimum number of moves required to finish a chess game?

The minimum number of moves required to finish a chess game is two.
#2 - Can you crack the code puzzle
A numeric lock has 3 digit code with the below rules:
(3,0,2)one number is correct and well-placed;
(3,5,6)one number is correct but wrong placed;
(5,7,4)Two numbers are correct but wrong placed;
(6,8,9)nothing is correct;
(6,7,0)one number is correct but wrongly placed

#3 - What appears to be wrong in the kitchen picture below
What's wrong with the kitchen picture below?

#4 - Who Is the Mother Picture Brain Teaser
Could you find the baby's mother in the picture shown below?

The one on the right, as the diapers are near her.
#5 - Thousand People Cant Lift Riddle
I'm lighter than air but a thousand people can't lift me.
Who am I?

A bubble.
A bubble is lighter than air, but no matter how many people try, they cannot lift or hold a bubble in their hands because it will burst upon contact.
#6 - 100 tigers to catch 100 sheep Riddle
If 3 tigers catch 3 sheep in 3 minutes. How long does it take for 100 tigers to catch 100 sheep?

So, for 100 tigers to catch 100 sheep, it would still take the same amount of time because each tiger is catching one sheep in 3 minutes. Therefore, it would take 3 minutes for 100 tigers to catch 100 sheep.
#9 - Drop me What am i riddle
If you drop me
I'm sure to crack,
But give me a smile
and I'll always smile back.
Who am I?

A mirror
#10 - Guess the mother Brain Teaser
Could you locate the mother of the two children?

The lady on the far right has the same mark on her upper arm as the two boys, and she also has two ice cream cones.