1. What does this road sign mean?
a) No Entry
b) Stop
c) One Way
d) School Zone
The "No Entry" road sign indicates that entry is not allowed. It is often seen at entrances to roads or areas where unauthorized vehicles are prohibited.

2. What does this road sign indicate?
a) Playground Ahead
b) No Parking
c) Yield
d) Roundabout
The "No Parking" road sign indicates that parking is not allowed in the area where the sign is placed. It is commonly seen on streets and roadsides.

3. What does this road sign tell you?
a) No U-Turn
b) Speed Limit
c) Merge
d) Hospital Ahead
The "Merge" road sign indicates that two lanes of traffic are about to come together and merge into one lane. Drivers should yield and allow vehicles to merge safely.

4. What does this road sign mean?
a) No Bicycles Allowed
b) Pedestrian Crossing
c) No Right Turn
d) No Stopping
The "No Stopping" road sign indicates that stopping is not allowed in the area where the sign is placed. Vehicles can pass through without stopping, but parking or waiting is not permitted.

5. What does this road sign represent?
a) Construction Zone
b) No Overtaking
c) No Horn
d) Railroad Crossing
The "No Overtaking" road sign indicates that overtaking or passing other vehicles is not allowed. It is often seen in areas where it may not be safe to pass due to road conditions.

6. What does this road sign indicate?
a) Animal Crossing
b) No Left Turn
c) Slippery Road
d) Detour Ahead
The "Slippery Road" road sign warns drivers that the road ahead may be slippery, especially during wet or icy conditions. It's important to drive cautiously to avoid skidding.

7. What does this road sign mean?
a) Pedestrian Crossing
b) Walk Slowly
c) Walk Alone
d) School Bus Stop
Pedestrian Crossing signs indicate a designated area where pedestrians are permitted to cross a road safely. These signs are placed at intersections or marked crosswalks to alert drivers to be cautious and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. The signs often feature a symbol of a person walking to signify that pedestrians have the right to cross at that location.

8. What does this road sign tell you?
a) Hospital Ahead
b) Playground Ahead
c) Pedestrian Crossing
d) Roundabout Ahead
The "Roundabout Ahead" road sign indicates that there is a roundabout ahead. A roundabout is a circular intersection where traffic flows in one direction around a central island.

9. What does this road sign indicate?
a) No Bicycles Allowed
b) No Left Turn
c) No Overtaking
d) No Entry for Motorcycles
The "No Entry for Motorcycles" road sign indicates that motorcycles are not allowed to enter the area where the sign is placed. Motorcyclists should obey such signs for safety.

10. What does this road sign represent?
a) Merge
b) No Right Turn
c) Slippery Road
d) No Horn
The "No Horn" road sign indicates that honking or sounding the horn is not allowed in the area where the sign is placed. It's often seen in quiet zones or areas where noise should be minimized.