#41 - Seating Problem
Make the seating arrangement of 10 children in such a way that there are 5 rows with 4 children in each row.
Make the seating arrangement of 10 children in such a way that there are 5 rows with 4 children in each row.
Make a sentence consisting of three words that have the whole alphabet.
The whole alphabet.
When can you add two to eleven and get one?
On an analog clock (11am + 2hrs= 1pm).
The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters.
Can you figure out how?
C and Y
A billiard ball is struck without side so that it strikes all four cushions and returns to its starting position. In what direction is it struck, and how far does it travel
What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?
Hard, using the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the second word, etc
Here's another one of my favorites. Look at this sequence of letters and then tell us what the last letter should be.
O T T F F S S ?
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
It walks on 4 when its young, walks on 2 when its older, and walks on 3 when its very old?
A man, It drives on a tricycle when it's young, on a bicycle when it's older, and in a car eventually. Of course that's not always true, but in standard western society.