Detective Ixolite of the NYPD was investigating a murder at Chicago.
It was a difficult case, and Ixolite was completely stumped until he noticed a message sent to him by the killer cunningly hidden in a newspaper advertisement selling Car Licence Plates.
Detective Ixolite thought about it for a while, and when he had solved the puzzle, immediately arrested the guilty man.
Q1) How did Ixolite know the advert was a clue for him?
Q2) Solve the code and tell me who Ixolite arrested.
This is the newspaper advert (Car licence plates for sale) that Detective Ixolite saw.
Plates For Sale;
[W 05 NWO]
[H 13 HSR ]
[O 05 EBM]
[D 08 UNE]
[U 10 HTY]
[N 04 BRE]
[N 16 TTE]
[I 26 LHC ]
[T 10 AEE]
[I 26 CNA]
[X 22 VDA]

1)The first bit is easy, as the first letter of each plate spells WHODUNNIT IX(A challenge to our Detective.)
2)The second bit is a little trickier, but I gave you the solution.If you read the last three letters in each plate from the bottom up and right to left you get ADVANCE EACH LETTER BY THE NUMBER SHOWN, so advance W by 5 to get B, H by 13 to get U and so on until you spell BUTLER DID IT.