#131 - IQ Riddle

Its a test that will check your IQ.
Suppose you have one 11 minute hourglass and one 13 minute hourglass.

Can you measure exactly fifteen minutes using them ?

IQ Riddle

First Step: Invert both the hourglasses.

Second step: When the 11 min hourglass is finished, invert it.

Third Step: When the 13 min hourglass is finished, flip the 11 min hourglass would have lost only 2 minutes till now. On inverting, we get to measure those two minutes.
Now 13 + 2 = 15 minutes.

In this way, fifteen minutes can be measured in just 3 steps.

#132 - Deductive Maths Jabong Interview Puzzle

There is a non vegetarian restaurant which sells chicken in orders of 6, 9 and 20.

Calculate the maximum number of chicken pieces you cannot order from that restaurant ?

Deductive Maths Jabong Interview Puzzle


If you analyze, then you will find that all the 6 numbers divisible by 3 can be ordered. Why? Because you can break them own as the sum of 6 and 9.
Now after 26, all the numbers that are divisible by 3 if subtracted by 40 can be obtained.
After 46, all the numbers will fit into one of the above categories and thus all such numbers can be obtained. But 43 will be last number that will not fall into one of the above categories.
44 = 20 + 6 * 4, 45 = 6 * 6 + 9

#133 - Hard Calendar Puzzle

A contest is held on international level in December 2013. The finale of it is between an American and a British kid. Only name and date have to be mentioned on the paper for checking purpose. But when the checkers check it, they find out that both of them have same names. The papers cannot be told apart in any manner now.

What is the date of competition ?

Hard Calendar Puzzle

The date is 12 December 2013. For any other date, the checkers would have been able to identify the papers. Why? Because the British people write dates in Day/Month/Year Format and the American people write date in Month/Day/Year format. On 12 December, the date and month will be the same and thus there is no way to distinguish when the names are same as well.

#134 - Math Logic Riddle

A poor villager grows mango in his land and sells them in the town. The town is 1000 miles away from the village. He has rented a truck for transporting the mangoes to the town. The truck can carry 1000 mangoes at one time and this season, he was able to yield 3000 mangoes.

There is a problem. At each mile till the town, there is a check post at which he must give one mango each while travelling towards the town. However, if he is travelling from the town towards his village, he won’t have to give anything.

Tell a way in which the villager can take highest possible number of mangoes to the town.

Math Logic Riddle

First of all, he will have to make three trips of 1000 mangoes till 333 miles. After that, he will be left with 2001 mangoes and 667 more miles to go.

Then he must take two trips of 1000 mangoes covering 500 miles more. Doing this, he will be left with 1000 mangoes and 167 remaining miles to reach the town. (He will have to leave a mango behind)

Lastly, he will have to travel the rest of 167 miles with the remaining 1000 mangoes and by the time he reaches town, he will be left with 833 mangoes.

#135 - Tricky Logic Problem

Sahir enters the bank he aim to rob and finds Jai standing inside armless. He aims a gun at him and asks him the code for the safe. Jai says, 'The code is different every day but if you hurt me, you will never get to know the code'.

Sahir pins him down and ties him with a rope. He then insert the code of the safe and easily takes all the money with him.

How did he know the code ?

Tricky Logic Problem

Jai told him that the code is DIFFERENT every day. Different is the code to the safe.

#136 - Clever Girl Riddle

Shyla was sleeping in her apartment when suddenly a robber broke into her house. He asked her to stay quiet and started looting the cash and jewelry. Suddenly the landline phone started ringing. The robber pointed gun at Shyla and asked her to pick up and talk without giving away the situation.

She picked up the phone and it happened to be her husband. She spoke, “Is it an emergency darling? Do give me a call when your flight lands, I will prepare your favorite food that will help you relieve the stress.” Then she hanged up.

10 minutes after, the police arrives at the scene and catches the robber. How did the police know about the robbery ?

Clever Girl Riddle

While talking with her husband on phone, Shyla played with the mute button. She pressed mute on specific parts of her conversation in a manner that only the words emergency, call and help were heard by her husband. So her husband heard, “Emergency…. Call…. Help” and immediately called the police.

#137 - Who Am I Math Puzzle

I start and end with 500 and carry a 5 in my heart. But I require the first letter and the first number to be complete. I am the name of a King.

Who am I ?

Who Am I Math Puzzle


Talking in roman numerals,
D = 500
At the center is 5 = V
The first number is I
The first letter of the alphabet is A

Thus they combine to form DAVID.

#138 - Tricky DE Shaw Interview Puzzle

A simple logical interview question was asked to Rahul by the interviewee:
There is exactly one week between Christmas and New Year. Thus a New Year that occurs right after the Christmas, happens to occur on the same day as Christmas. But in 2030, Christmas will occur on Wednesday and New Year will occur on Tuesday.

How is that possible?

Rahul was able to answer the question. Can you?

Tricky DE Shaw Interview Puzzle

In 2030, New Year will occur on 1 Jan 2013 and Christmas will occur on 25 Dec 2030. There is not one week but 51+ week’s difference between them. Read the question carefully again.

#139 - Samsung Logic Interview Puzzle

A lion and its tamer are standing inside a cage that measures 1 unit in radius. Both of them can effortlessly run at the speed of 1 unit maximum.

1) Suppose the lion is hungry, will he be able to eat up the tamer?
2) If yes, how long can the tamer survive?

Samsung Logic Interview Puzzle

There can be two possibilities:

The tamer runs on the perimeter
If he runs on the perimeter, the lion will eventually catch him. If the lion follows the radius of the tamer, his trajectory will be half the circle and not a spiral. Thus he will catch the tamer in a finite time.

The tamer does not runs on the perimeter
If he does that, clearly he has an escape strategy and that will work for an infinite time.

#140 - Deductive Logic Statements Puzzle

A school server was hacked. The headmaster suspects five friends based on the fact that they were really good such knowledge. He calls all of them in his room and the five students give the following statements:

1. I did not do it.
2. I have never hacked in my entire life.
3. Christy did it.

1. I did not do it.
2. The hack was done from within the network.
3. I do not like Misty.

1. I did not do it.
2. I have never seen Misty in my life.
3. Christy did it.

1. I did not do it.
2. Misty did it.
3. Peter was lying when he said I did it.

1. I did not do it.
2. Jamie did it.
3. Casey and I used to be friends.

Now, you know that out of the three statements, every student has speaker two truths and one lie. Reading all these statements, can you identify who hacked the server?

Jamie hacked the server.

Let us assume that Peter is a hacker. If so, his first statement is false and also the third statement is false. But as per the condition, he cant speak more than one lie. The same goes for Casey, Christy and Misty.

If you assume the same for Jamie however, the condition stands true.