#101 - TV character Rebus Puzzle

Can you identify the famous TV character from the rebus below?

TV character Rebus Puzzle

Sherlock Holmes ( She + R + lock + Home)

#102 - Bird Riddle For Summer Camp

Mrs. Butch was watching a very rare bird "Whooper swan". Soon she was dead.

Explain ?

Mrs. Butch was on the plane and the Whooper swan hit the plane and the plane got crashed.

#103 - Quick Riddle For Camper

I am the first thing you need while camping.
I am always with the person named Marcos Valencia and Carrick.
But Pogba Zlatan and Rooney thinks I am wasteful and do not need me.
I am the second to the last thing to add when you are making a patch.

What am I?

The Letter "C".

#104 - Teacher Student Puzzle

The teacher told the student that if he told a lie then he will be expelled from school and if he told the truth than he still is expelled from school.

What can student say to prevent his expelled from school?

The student said, "I am telling lies".
This will create confusion to the teacher as it is a paradox and cannot be a lie or truth.

#105 - Rock Group Dont Sing Riddle

There is a rock group of four men that do not sing. Name It?

Mount Rushmore (4 men faces carved into Mount Rushmord).

#106 - Hidden Animal In Picture Riddle

Can you find the hidden animal in the picture below ?

Hidden Animal In Picture Riddle

Owl as shown in image below.

#107 - Decipher Teacher Favorite Movie

Chemistry Teacher : "Hi Johny".
Johny : "Hi Teacher, What is your favorite movie ?".
Chemistry Teacher : "Indium Cerium Platinum Iodine Oxygen Nitrogen" .
Ten seconds later.... Johny replied i got it.

Do you ?


Chemical symbol of Indium : In, Cerium : Ce, Platinum : P, Iodine : I, Oxygen : O, Nitrogen : N.
Combining symbols, we got Inception.

#108 - The Winchester Family Riddle

Mr. and Mrs. Winchester have six sons and each son has one sister.
How many members are in Winchester family ?


Mr. Winchester, Mrs. Winchester, 6 sons and 1 daughter(one sister)

#109 - Roman Number Equation Problem

Considering below equation holds

V + II - VI = 10
IV - X + VIII = 20
IV - VII + VI = 30

Then, I + II + III = ?


V + II - VI = 10
=> I = 10

IV - X + VIII = 20
=> II = 20

IV - VII + VI = 30
=> III = 30

I + II + III = 10 + 20 + 30

#110 - Stupid Peepal Tree Riddle

In a pool party, can you guess what does the Peepal tree wear?

Trunks :-)