#171 - Detective Rockford Murder Puzzle

Detective Rockford was jogging near the beach ar 4:30 am.
He hears a sound near the shack "No Michael, Please Do not shoot me".
Next instance he heard a sound of gunfire. Rockford rushes to shack where he finds women lying dead and a gun in close proximity of three "Doctore Lawyer and a Teacher".

Rockford immediately knew that the Lawyer has committed the crime. How ?

Lawyer was the only man there (Michael is name of a man)

#172 - Name The Animal Riddle

Can you name an animal whose killing cannot be performed without spilling your own blood?

The most common answer can be Mosquito, but you can add any blood sucking insect to the list.

#173 - Replace Question Mark Riddle

Can you find out the number that should replace the question mark with a valid reason?

Replace Question Mark Riddle

The number that will replace the question mark is 0. This is because, in this number pie, the diagonals add up to 25.

#174 - Profit Or Loss Riddle

Johanna purchased a portable music player for $100 through a deal. She sold it to Sindy for $125. After a year, she bought it back from Sindy at $150. Upon using it for a month, she sold it to Suzzanne for $175.

Can you calculate if this entire deal was profitable or a loss for Johanna?

In the first deal, Johanna made a profit of $25 from Sindy.
In the second deal, Johanna made a profit of $25 again from Suzzanne.

Therefore, the entire deal was profitable for Johanna and she made a total profit of $50.

#175 - The Password Riddle

A system error causes the change of Sumit net banking password. To sort this out, he calls the customer care. The following is the conversation he has with the executive:

Sumit: My password is changed.
Custom Care Executive: We have kept your password distinct this time. It has 8 letters out of which, 3 letters are same as previous.
Sumit: Okay, thanks.

Can you determine the old as well as the new password of Sumit net banking account after reading the conversation carefully?

The original password was "changed" and the new password given by custom care executive is "distinct".

#176 - Next Number Series Riddle

Which number comes next in the number series?

2, 9, 30, 93, ?


It is a Number*3 + 3

2 x 3 + 3 = 9
9 x 3 + 3 = 30
30 x 3 + 3 = 93
93 x 3 + 3 = 282.

#177 - QuickFire Trick Riddle

Ths is Quick Riddle, So please reply quicklt

In a concert, Janet Jackson is performing a dance show with her group.
At 11:00, she and her crew were dancing in absolute straight line. At that time Janet was standing in 4th position from both front and back end of the row.

What was the size of her crew?


Janet was standing 4th from bothe end, i.e 3 crew members were at the front and her back.

#178 - Maths Exam Puzzle

Aaron is giving his exam and after spending a lot of time answering the questions, he asks the examiner about the time that is left for the exam.

The the examiner is quite obtuse with her answer and says that the amount of time left is 1/5th of the time that has already passed.

Can you find out the amount of time left if the total time was 90 minutes?

15 minutes are left.

One fifth of 75 is 15 and they both add up to 90 minutes, which confirms that the answer is correct.

#179 - White Of An Egg Riddle

How can you spell "White of an egg" in one word?
Hint: I know you can spell coke, poke, joke.

Albumen is white of an egg (yolk is yellow).

#180 - Classy Old Riddle

Master Red Lives in the red house.
Master Green Lives in the green house.
Master Yellow Lives in the yellow house.

But Master white does not live in Whitehouse. Why?

Because president lives in whitehouse.