#141 - Secret Code Riddle

You need to unlock a secret code using following clues

Clue-1 : 0 7 9 (One of the numbers is correct and is placed in its correct position)
Clue-2 : 0 3 2 (Nothing is correct)
Clue-3 : 1 0 8 (Two numbers are correct but not placed at its correct position.)
Clue-4 : 9 2 6 (One number is correct but not placed at its correct position.)
Clue-5 : 6 7 8 (One number is correct but not placed at its correct position.)


* 0 7 9 : 9 is placed correctly
* 0 3 2 : None of the numbers is in the code
* 1 0 8 : 1 and 8 are correct number of code but placed at wrong position
* 9 2 6 : Number 9 is there but placed at wrong position
* 6 7 8 : Number 8 is there but placed at wrong position

#142 - Stupid Funny Riddle

One Night, a Cook, a Cobbler and a Fisherman went to a dinner together and asked the manager to split the bill equally among them. When the bill arrived, it was for four people.

How can this be possible?

The fourth person was the Knight, here misspelled as Night.

#143 - The Lottery Riddle

Chances of Mr. Button winning the local lottery in 8%. All participants lined up and Mr. Button is 3rd in the row. The first two participants lose the lottery.

What is the chance of Samuel Mr. Button now?


The winning chance probability is still 8% as the outcome of Mr.Bitton winning the lottery is a separate event from rest losing the lottery.

#144 - Short Who Am I

When you say goodbye, I am what you need to tie.
I come as a couple and go wherever you run.
Who am I?


#145 - Never Stop Running Riddle

I never stop running even when I stand still. If I am formed by joining two identical bodies together, can you guess who I am?

An hourglass.

#146 - Trivia Murder Mystery Riddle

A person was found dead on a big green land with no trees or building around. When the police arrived, they found a piece of rock lying next to him and the man was wearing clothes comprising of red, blue and yellow colors.

Can you tell who the person is and what was the cause of death?

The dead person is Superman and he died due to exposure to a Kryptonian rock.

#147 - Funniest Blonde Riddle

A blonde put eye liner on her head. Why?

She is trying to make up her mind.

#148 - Who Is The Spy Puzzle

Jane Doe, a top MI6 Cop is found in Times Square with almost no memory and mysterious tattoos on her body. She just remembers that she had embraced this tattoo so that she can remember who is the spy that was responsible for the blast in London.
MI6 had shortlisted 6 suspects and ask jane if she can identify with them who is responsible for the blast. She doest not remember anything but when she look into her tattoo she was able to identify the spy.

Following are the suspects name
1. Kurt
2. Edgar
3. Tasha
4. Oscar
5. Bethany

Tattoo found on her body was "ymarspseneptunehtssaturniravenuscso"

Who is the spy ?


She deciphers the tattoo in below steps
1. Separate planets name
y mars pse neptune hts saturn ira venus cso

2. Remove planets name and join remaining text

3. Reverse it

4. Add space to make sense
oscar is the spy

#149 - Byomkesh Bakshi Mystery Puzzle

Byomkesh Bakshi was visiting his friend Ganpat Negi. He found out that his friend wife had just killed a burglar in self defence.
Bakshi asks Ganpat about what happened and he told that "His wife were watching television when suddenly the bell rang. She thought that it is her husband Ganpat but she found the burglar who attacked her instantly and she got so frightened that she killed the burglar immediately with the knife.
Byomkesh Bakshi asked the police to arrest here friend wife.
Why ?

Ganpat wife was planning to kill him and she planned to kill him as soon as he opened the door else why would she had the knife in her hand especially watching television.

#150 - Classy Statement Puzzle

Maria and Martina are strange women. One of them always lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and tells the truth on all other days of the week while the other lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and tells the truth on other days of the week.

Today, following statements were made.
Maria: I lie on Saturdays.
Martina: I will lie tomorrow.
Maria: I lie on Sundays.

Which day of the week is today?


No one lies on Sunday, so Maria is lying. Which means today is not Sunday. Also now we know that Maria lies today, so "Maria: I lie on Saturdays" is also a lie. Therefore, today is not sturdy and can one of Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Now we know Martina is telling the truth, therefore for the statement "Martina: I will lie tomorrow." true today has to be Wednesday.