#191 - 64S on CB Riddle
If 24H in a D => 24 hours in a day.
What is "64S on CB" stands for ?
64 squares on the chess board.
If 24H in a D => 24 hours in a day.
What is "64S on CB" stands for ?
64 squares on the chess board.
There was a strange boy who was born before his father. How can this be possible?
The boy was born before(front of) his child. (funny... duh)
For a performance, a few dancers are arranged in a row. Nancy is standing in the middle of the row at the 6th position.
Can you find out the total number of girls in that row?
Since Nancy is the middle at 6th position, there should be 5 girls on both her sides.
5 + 5 = 10
Counting Nancy as well, the total number of girls in that row = 10 + 1 = 11
An artist while painting a scenic beauty, decides to paint three layers of blue color on the sky.
Which layer will go on the first?
Of course, the second layer will go on "the first" layer.
In particular commonwealth games, a female participant won both the silver and gold medal for a single event.
How can this be possible?
This is quite possible. Suppose the participant won a silver medal and then, the gold medalist was disqualified for some reason. In this case, the silver medalist will be awarded the gold medal.
I move to and fro.
People make me dance all the time only to allow them to pass by.
Like all, I mostly sleep at night.
Who am I?
A Door.