#1011 - Short Scary Brain Teaser

After watching an exciting late-night movie, Alex decided to go home, but something unexpected happened. While walking along a dimly lit street, he saw three mysterious women standing under a flickering streetlamp. To his surprise, two of them were ghosts! The three women spoke together, "Choose one of us to go home with you, Alex, but be careful. If you pick the wrong girl, we will become angry."

Alex carefully looked at the three women. They all seemed normal, but he knew that only one was a real person, and the others were vengeful spirits.

Can you study the picture and help Alex figure out which of the three girls is not a ghost?

Short Scary Brain Teaser

Alex noticed that the girl on the left had sweat on her face. Ghosts don't sweat, so he chose her. His careful observation paid off, and he safely went home with the non-ghost girl by his side.

#1012 - Grandma likes coffee but not tea riddle

Grandma likes coffee, but not tea.
Grandma likes sunrises but not sunsets.
Grandma likes Flowers, but not plants.
Grandma likes dark, but not light.
Grandma likes Pancakes, but not sweets.
Grandma likes false, but not true.


Grandma likes coffee but not tea riddle

Because Grandma does not like the letter T

#1013 - What is in his eye Brain Teaser

Jack walks out of his house and over to his beautiful tulip garden. He holds out his right hand, and a bee lands in it.

What is in his eye?

What is in his eye Brain Teaser


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (bee holder)

#1014 - Number Pattern Tricky Mathematics Puzzle

T = 7777
R = 1111
Y = 5555
N = 4444

E = ?

Number Pattern Tricky Mathematics Puzzle

E = 3333

T = 7+7+7+7 = TWENTY EIFH(T)
R = 1+1+1+1 = FOU(R)
Y = 5+5+5+5 = TWENT(Y)
N = 4+4+4+4 = SIXTEE(N)

3+3+3+3 = TWELV(E)

#1015 - Guess the next number

Can you find the last number in the sequence below?

3 7 15 31 ?

Guess the next number


Starting with 3:
3 * 2 + 1 = 7
7 * 2 + 1 = 15
15 * 2 + 1 = 31

Continuing this pattern:
31 * 2 + 1 = 63

So, using the pattern of multiplying by 2 and adding 1, the missing number in the sequence is 63.

#1016 - Which cow is different Brain Teaser

Which cow is the odd one out?

Which cow is different Brain Teaser

The cow that stands out is marked. Check the black spots.

#1017 - Most Popular - Which cup will fill first brain teaser

Get ready to exercise your logic and puzzling skills with the all-time favorite 'Which Cup (Coffee or Tea) Will Fill First?' brain teaser!

Most Popular - Which cup will fill first brain teaser

Cup 2
Although the flow of coffee to all cups is obstructed, Cup 2 can be filled once the coffee overflows from the pipe, as illustrated in the image below.

#1018 - Unique Even Number Brain Teaser

I am a unique number and is even. If you try removing the first letter from me, I become odd.

Which number am I?

"Six" (6)

When you remove the first letter "S" from the word "Six," you are left with the letters "Ix."

"Ix" is the Roman numeral representation of the number 9.

Thus, the wordplay involves the transformation of "Six" (6) into "Ix," representing the number 9, which is an odd number in Roman numerals.

#1019 - Evil Chess Grandmaster Puzzle And Answer

Imprisoned, the young boy confronts a life-and-death trial set by a master chess player. "Decipher this enigma," commands the grandmaster. "Position eight queens upon the board, ensuring they avoid mutual threats. Triumph, or linger in captivity."

Can you aid the boy in strategically placing the eight queens on the board to prevent any clashes among them?

Evil Chess Grandmaster Puzzle And Answer

It can be done as shown in the picture below.

#1020 - Cemetery Brain Teaser

In the cemetery depicted below, which among the three is not a ghost, and what is the reason?

Cemetery Brain Teaser

Since ghosts don't sweat, the girl in the center is the one who isn't a ghost.