#1151 - Casino Rebus Riddle

What does this say?
or nothing
or nothing

Casino Rebus Riddle

Double or nothing

#1152 - Mad Riddle

What demands an answer, but asks no questions

Mad Riddle


#1153 - Next Number In Series

What letter is next in this sequence?
M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__

Next Number In Series

N for November!

#1154 - Logic Puzzle

A cat, a dog and a moneky were stolen. 3 suspects got caught: Harish, Manoj and Tarun. All we know that each person stole one animal, but we do not know who stole which. Here are the investigation statements. Harish said: Tarun stole the cat. Manoj said: Tarun stole the dog. Tarun said: They both were lying. I did not steal the cat or the dog. Later on, the police found out the man who stole the moneky told a lie. The man who stole the cat told the truth. Can you find out who stole which?

Logic Puzzle

Harish stole Moneky ( R $ C )
Tarun stole Dog ( T $ D )
Manoj stole Cat ( S $ H )

#1155 - Rebus Word Puzzle

What does this say?

Rebus Word Puzzle

Tennis shoes

#1156 - Logic Riddle

An infinite number of mathematicians are standing behind a bar. The first asks the barman for half a pint of beer, the second for a quarter pint, the third an eighth, and so on. How many pints of beer will the barman need to fulfill all mathematicians' wishes?

Logic Riddle

Just 1

#1157 - Short Funny Riddle

Where do fish keep their money?

Short Funny Riddle

On River Bank

#1158 - Picture Riddle

Identify the hidden meaning behind this picture ?

Picture Riddle

Growing Economy

#1159 - Escape Puzzle

A boy was locked in a room by some robbers. All that is in the room is a piano, calendar, and a bed. The room is locked from the outside. What does he eat, drink, and how does he escaped and get out ?

Escape Puzzle

He eats the 'dates' on the calendar,gets water from the waterbed,and uses the piano key to escape

#1160 - What Am I

Look at me. I can bring a smile to your face, A tear to your eye, Or even a thought to your mind. But, I cant be seen. What am I?

What Am I

The Past