#11 - Faulty Clock Problem

A clock loses 10 minutes each hour.If the clock is set correctly at noon,what time is it when it reads 3 PM ?

Faulty Clock Problem

3:36 PM.
The clock loses 10 minutes each hour,
so it loses 5 minutes every half-hour,
and it loses 1 minute very 6 minutes.

It is 12:50 PM at 1:00 o'clock.
It is 1:40 PM at 2:00 o'clock.
It is 2:30 PM at 3:00 o'clock.
It is 2:55 PM at 3:30 o'clock.
It is 3:00 PM at 3:36 o'clock.

#12 - Who Am I Trivia Question

The measurement of time
That cant be found on a clock
But can be looked upon on a map
Who am I ?

Who Am I Trivia Question

I am Mississippi.
(One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi etc.)

#13 - Logical Clock Problem

Time in a digital clock can be palindromic like 12:12 (same when read forwards or backwards).

Whats the minimum interval between 2 times that are palindromic ?

Logical Clock Problem

2 minutes (between 9:59 and 10:01)

#14 - Hollywood Movie Rebus

Which is famous "Tom Hanks" movie which is hidden in the rebus below?

Hollywood Movie Rebus

Forest Gump FOR (4 o clock) + REST (person resting in bed) + GUMP (bubble gum + p)

#15 - Clock Time Puzzle

When a clock is observed, the hour hand is at a minute mark and the minutes hand is six minutes ahead of it.

When the clock is observed again after some time, the hour hand is precisely on a different minute mark and the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it.

Can you calculate how much time has elapsed between the two observations?

When the first observation was made, the time was 1:12 and when the second observation was made, the time was 3:24.

Therefore, 2 hours and 12 minutes have passed since the first observation.

#16 - Calculate Time Puzzle

Amy was sitting in front of a clock. When she observed it for the first time, the hour hand was at a minute mark and the minute hand was six minutes ahead it.

After some time, she observed the clock again to find that the hour hand was exactly on a different minute mark and the minute hand was seven minutes ahead of its time.

Can you calculate how much time has elapsed between two observations?

When Amy first observed, the time was 1:12 and when she noticed again, the time was 3:24. Hence, 2 hours and 12 minutes have passed between two observations.

#17 - Hard Clock Time Puzzle

At a certain point of time someone observes a clock and find out that the hour hand is exactly at the minute mark and the minute hand is six minutes ahead it. The clock is observed again to find out that hour hand is exactly on a different minute mark but the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it this time.

Can you calculate the time that has elapsed between the two observations?

Hard Clock Time Puzzle

two hours and twelve minutes.

If you know about clocks, you must be knowing the fact that the hour hand is exactly on the minute mark five times each hour i.e. on the hour, twelve minutes past the hour, twenty four minutes past the hour, thirty six minutes past the hour and forty eight minutes past the hour.

Now let us suppose that X are the number of hours and Y are the number of minutes past the hour.
When the hour hand is on minute mark,
Position of hour hand:
5X + Y/12
Position of the minute hand:

Now when the first observation is taken,
Y = Y = 5X + Y/12 + 6
This is also equivalent to 60X = 11Y - 72.

But from what we know, Y can only be equal to 0, 12, 24, 36 or 48. Thus keeping that in mind, the only value possible for X and Y are 1 and 12 respectively. This implies that the time is 1:12 on the first observation.

In the second observation, the equation will be:
60X = 11Y - 84
The possible values for X and Y here are 3 and 24 respectively. This implies that the time is 3:24.

Now time that has elapsed between 1:12 and 3:24 = two hours and twelve minutes.

#18 - Short Logic Maths Puzzle

Calculate the number of degree between the hour hand and the minute hand of an analogue clock that is displaying a time of 3:15 at present.

Short Logic Maths Puzzle

This question can be a bit tricky. But if you pay attention, you can solve it. When fifteen minutes have passed after three, the hour hand must have moved exactly one fourth of an hour. Thus both the hands will make an angle of 7.5 degree between them.

#19 - Math Logic Problem

In a modern art gallery, an artist has numerous modern art paintings created by him. He hangs different painting on the space provided to him periodically. When the clock hit 11 am, he hung the painting number 30. When it struck 4 pm, he hung the painting number 240 and when it struck 7:30 pm, he hung painting number 315.

Can you determine, which painting number will he hang when the time is 9:20 pm ?

Math Logic Problem

He will hang painting number 200 at that time. Every time he hangs the painting, the number of it corresponds with the angle between the minute and hour hand of the clocks.

#20 - IAS Question

Can you make 10 plus 4 = 2 ?

IAS Question

10 o'clock + 4 hours = 2 o'clock.