#1761 - Simple Picture Rebus Puzzle
What does below rebus puzzle means?

There are many words that contain all vowels. Do you know the shortest English word possible that contains all vowels?
The shortest, 6 letter word that contains all vowels is EUNOIA, meaning alertness of mind. However, many dictionaries rejected this word to be an English word.
If we ignore above word, next word that contains all vowels with length=7 are br>:SEQUOIA
I have feet, but no legs. Which animal Am I?
Snail (snail foot is a muscle that allows it to move)
Your bike crashed into the dark forest and suddenly you saw and deadly panther and jaguar. You got just one bullet.
What is your escape strategy?
Simple, You must shoot the panther and drive off in the jaguar(car).
You need to climb ten stairs. At every stair, you can either take one step up or you can jump two steps up.
In how many different ways you can climb 10 stairs?
Judge knows that Aladin was killed by her girlfriend Jasmine but the judge was not sure whether to punish her or not. Why ?
Jasmine has siamese (conjoined) twins.
why despite killing dozens of people Charley and Wilma were not punished?
Charley and Wilma are hurricanes occurred in 2004 and 2005 respectively.