#461 - Find The Number Riddle

I have thought of a number that is made up by using all the ten digits just once. Here are a few clues for you to guess my number:

First digits is divisible by 1.
First two digits are divisible by 2.
First three digits are divisible by 3.
First four digits are divisible by 4.
First five digits are divisible by 5.
First six digits are divisible by 6.
First seven digits are divisible by 7.
First eight digits are divisible by 8.
First nine digits are divisible by 9.
The number is divisible by 10.

Can you find out the number ?

The number is 3816547290

#462 - Funny Tricking Question

Can you think of any number that if divided in half, becomes zero?

Funny Tricking Question

8 is the required number.
Chop it up in the middle and you will get either half as zero.

#463 - Hard Guess My Number Puzzle

One night, I thought of ways that can be used for creating a palindrome. So I decided that I will turn into a larger number by adding the reversed digits to the original number and keep doing it till I finally obtained a palindrome.

I am not sure if this process will always result in a palindrome eventually but I was able to produce a four digit palindrome. Can you guess my starting number?

Hard Guess My Number Puzzle

My starting number was 192.
192 + 291 = 483
483 + 384 = 867
867 + 768 = 1635
1635 + 5361 = 6996

#464 - Trick Equation Problem

The following equation can be made correct by moving one small line. Can you find out how?
6 + 6 + 2 = 34034

Move one line from the plus sign and place it on the RHS as shown.
6 + 6 - 2 = 340/34

#465 - Number Sequence Puzzle

Can you complete the sequence?
192, 021, 222, 324, 252, 627, 2__, 9__?

282 and then 930.
This is because, every alternate number is in a sequence.
192, 222 and 252 have a gap of 30.
021, 324 and 627 have a gap of 303.

#466 - Easy Who Am I Question

Living above a star, I do not burn
Eleven friends and they do not turn
I can just be visited in a sequence, not once or repeatedly
PQRS are my initials
Can you tell my name accurately?

Easy Who Am I Question

I am the number 7 on a phone number pad.

#467 - Form Squares With Sticks Puzzle

In the given picture, you can find a square in the center and four open squares. Can you form three closed squares by just moving three sticks from their positions respectively?

Form Squares With Sticks Puzzle

We have moved the green sticks from their place to come up with the desired results. Do you know any other way? Feel free to share with us.

#468 - Holiday Rebus Puzzle

Which holiday are we talking about ?

Holiday Rebus Puzzle

He(he-man) + low(down array) + E +N(no)

#469 - Visual Number Series Problem

Solve the number series problem in the picture below ?

Visual Number Series Problem


Center Number = (Top Left Number * Bottom Left Number)/(Top Right Number * Bottom Right Number)
= (30 * 2) / (4*5)
= 3

#470 - Interesting Math Problem

Alex and Martin are planning on a vacation. Alex says, "It will be better if we take the train to the hotel. We will reach faster."
To this, Martin says, "No. You are wrong. The train stops at halfway to the hotel and then we will have to walk the rest of the way. We should take the bikes to the hotel directly."
Alex says, "You are wrong."

Now, Alex takes the train while Martin takes the bike. The train travels with four times the speed of bike. The bike travels at twice the speed of walking.

Who do you think will reach the hotel first?

Interesting Math Problem


S = total distance to the hotel.
V = walking speed.
2V = bike speed.
8V = train speed.
A = time taken by Alex
M = time taken by Martin

A = (S/2)/8V + (S/2)/V = S/16V + S/2V
M = S/2V

Now if you notice, A exceeds M by S/16V. Therefore, Martin will reach the hotel first.