#801 - Billiards Maths Fun Riddle
Can you place three balls such that equation shown in the picture holds true?

13 + 11 + 6 = 30
Note: You just need to rotate "9" to form "6".
Can you place three balls such that equation shown in the picture holds true?
13 + 11 + 6 = 30
Note: You just need to rotate "9" to form "6".
It begins where the time ends.
Its second is an expression of surprise.
Its third is a question.
Its fourth is urinate.
It ends with a drink.
Which country it is?
It begins where the time ends -- TIME ends with E
Its second is an expression of surprise - G(gee)
Its third is a question - Y(why)
Its fourth is urinate - P (Pee)
It ends with a drink- T (Tea)
Client Dempsey living in one of an East Coast state of the U.S was taking to Landon Donovan, who was living in the West Coast state of the U.S.
Dempsey: What time is it?
Donovan: Wow, It is the same time here.
How is this possible?
The conversation taking place in DST when there is a gap of approx 1hour in one of the city.
Find the next number in the series below?
6 18 270 72090 ?
Next number formed is (number * (number-2)) - number
(6 * 4) - 6 = 18
(18 * 16) - 18 = 270
(270 * 268) - 270 = 72090
(72090 * 72088) - 72090 = 5196751830
Can you find the largest six digit number whose sum is 43 and whose square is less than 5,00,000?
Square of 707 = 70499849
4+9+9+8+4+9 = 43
Can you name the three letter word that can complete the below words ?
A) L O _ _ _ E
B) E D U _ _ _ E
C) _ _ _ E R
D) _ _ _ T L E
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
Z = 26.
Based on above rule, you need to find an eleven letter word whose letter sum is equal to 52.
Two guards were guarding the camp.Guard-1 was looking towards the south to make sure no threat is coming from the road.Guard-2 was looking at the north to make sure no threat is coming from the top.Suddenly Guard-1 ask the Guard-2 why he is smiling?How Guard-1 knows that Guard-2 is smiling?
The Guards were facing each other and not back to back.
Maria enters a small room.
The Door Closes.
When the door open, Maria is in a larger room.
Maria was in the lift.
How can you cut the below shape into exact two parts by adding a single(not necessarily a straight) line?