#51 - Gravity Pictogram
what does below Gravity Pictogram means?
Center of gravity.
Which medicine name does below pictogram hides?
Crocin (Crow + Sin = Crocin)
Can you decode the hidden meaning in the rebus below?
Two Good For Me
Two Good ( 2 times good)
For Me (for => Four, four times me)
Can you identify the Oscar-winning movie from the rebus below?
SpotLight -- Spot + lie + T(tea)
Can you identify the Oscar-winning movie from the rebus below?>br>
Slumdog Millionare (Slum + Dog + Million + air)
Decode the hidden movie name hidden in the picture rebus below?
Need For Speed.
Need (needle - le = need) + Four (Five -1) + Speed (man running)
Decipher the movie name hidden in the rebus below?
Karate Kid (car + at + tea + kid)
Can you identify the famous TV character from the rebus below?
Sherlock Holmes ( She + R + lock + Home)