#51 - Trick Algebraic Equation

In how many ways by using number 1 to 7 and + operator, you can make the number as 100?

2 Ways

1 + 2 + 34 + 56 + 7 = 100.
1 + 23 + 4 + 5 + 67 = 100.

#52 - Answer Fast Maths Equation

Whats the output of below equation?

(10^0 + 10^1 *10^2 - 10^0)/10 = ?

Note: This belongs to quick-fire section riddles so you need to answer this really fast.


#53 - Logic Equation Puzzle

Can you identify the logic behind the equation below and solve the puzzle by completing the equation?

12 + 13 + 7 = 1
15 + 16 + 11= 2
17 + 18 + 16 = ?


Logic Used: Sum the numbers and then subtract the two digits to get the desired answer.

12 + 13 + 7 => 32 => 3 - 2 => 1
15 + 16 + 11 =>42 => 4 -2 => 2
17 + 18 + 16 = 51 => 5 -1 => 4

#54 - Make Equation Correct Riddle

Can you replace each alphabet with the number (1 - 9) to make below equation correct ?

AB * C = DE - F = GH / I

39 * 1 = 45 - 6 = 78 / 2

AB - C = DE / F = GH * I can be solved as
A = 3
B = 9
C = 1
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 2

So below equation can be solved as:
AB - C = DE / F = GH * I
39 * 1 = 45 - 6 = 78/2
39 = 39 = 39.

#55 - Replace Shape Puzzle

Can you replace the X (both small and big x) with the numbers between 1 to 19 such that all the rows of 3 numbers between X (big x) sum to 23 ?

Replace Shape Puzzle

There can be two possible solutions as shown in the picture below.1,19,3,12,16,14,18,10,7,6,15,2,5,9,13,17,8,11,41,19,3,18,16,14,12,4,13,6,9,8,17,15,7,5,2,11,10

#56 - Roman Number Equation Problem

Considering below equation holds

V + II - VI = 10
IV - X + VIII = 20
IV - VII + VI = 30

Then, I + II + III = ?


V + II - VI = 10
=> I = 10

IV - X + VIII = 20
=> II = 20

IV - VII + VI = 30
=> III = 30

I + II + III = 10 + 20 + 30

#57 - Replace Question Mark Equation

Can you replace question mark to make the below equation true ?

16 ? 14 ? 4 ? 6 = 62

16 × 14 / 4 + 6 = 62

#58 - Answer Fast Equation Riddle

20 % 5 = 24

21 % 7 = 33

42 % 6 = 67


66 % 6 = ?

The number on the right side is formed as (sum of digits of the 1st number)(number1/number2)
20 % 5 = 24 (2+0)(20/4)
21 % 7 = 33 (2+1)(21/7)
42 % 6 = 67 (4+2)(42/6)

66 % 6 = 1211 (6+6)(66/6)

#59 - Fun Algebra Puzzle

The following alphametic has only one solution. Can you find it?

PS: You may start the number from 0.

Since leading a number with 0 is allowed, it can be the only possible solution:
547809 + 087549 + 780954 = 1416312

#60 - Dollar Quarter Equation Riddle

A quarter is one fourth of a dollar but Mr. Brainteaser has changed the equation as below :


Can you replace each letter by a digit to make above solution correct ?

457730 * 4 = 1830920