#251 - Look at 1 and say 5 Brain Teaser

when do we look at 1 and say 5?

Look at 1 and say 5 Brain Teaser

In a Clock

#252 - Clean Ocean Brain Teaser

Who keeps the ocean neat and clean?

Clean Ocean Brain Teaser

the mermaid

#253 - Who's from the future Brain Teaser

Who is from the future?

Who's from the future Brain Teaser

The pic is from 70's Era and modern cell phone was not around at that time.

#254 - Girl Riddle

You see a girl sitting but you cannot sit at her place even if she stands and leaves up.

Where is the girl sitting?

Girl Riddle

The girl sitting on your lap.

#255 - UnReal Person Riddle

Identify the person who is not real?

UnReal Person Riddle

The boy in the center as he has no shadow.

#256 - Sharp eyes Brain Teaser

Which two images can you find the brain teaser below in less than 10 seconds?

Sharp eyes Brain Teaser

Suit and Female-legs

#257 - Find the Ghost In The Picture

Can you find the ghost in the picture?

Find the Ghost In The Picture

The Lady with no legs is the ghost.

#258 - Which bucket will fill first

Look carefully in the picture below and identify which bucket will fill first?

Which bucket will fill first


#259 - Animal pictogram

Decipher the below rebus to find the animal name?

Animal pictogram


#260 - Find Star Pencil and Cup Hidden Word Puzzle

Where is a star, Pencil, and Cup in the below puzzle?

Find Star Pencil and Cup Hidden Word Puzzle

Marked in the below picture.