#271 - 10+10 Equals 11+11 Puzzle

10+10 and 11+11 can give you the same answer.

Explain how?

10+10 Equals 11+11  Puzzle

10 + 10 = 20
11 + 11 = 20 too (22)

#272 - Ghost ! Brain Teaser

One of the below four people is a ghost. Which one?

Ghost ! Brain Teaser

The third one as there is no shadow of the man?

#273 - Longest Line Brain Teaser

Which of the below line is the longest?

Longest Line Brain Teaser

Line - C

A^2= 3^2 + 6^2 => 9+36 => 45
B^2= 5^2 + 5^2 => 25+25 => 50
C^2= 6^2 + 4^2 => 36+16 => 52
D^2= 7^2 + 1^2 => 49+ 1 => 50

#274 - 5 Mistakes

There are are five things wrong with this sentence; only geniuses will be able to to spot all of the mitstakes

5 Mistakes

1. The word "are" is repeated twice.
2. The word "to" is repeated twice.
3. The word mitstakes is misspelled. Its should be mistakes
4. The sentence is missing a punctuation mark and should end with a period/full stop not with semicolon.
5. Since there are only 4 mistakes, therefore, the statement of having five mistakes in the sentence is wrong which is the 5th mistake.
Another theory is that the sentence should end with a period.

#275 - Balloon Ceiling Riddle

Which of the balloon is the farthest from the ceiling?

Balloon Ceiling Riddle

All are at an equal distance from the ceiling.

#276 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100 Puzzle

Without changing the order of the numbers,
put '+' or '-' between them so that you get 100 as a result.

Note: you can use the signs only 3 times.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100 Puzzle

123 - 45 - 67 + 89

#277 - How Many Apples

How many apples are there in the picture below?

How Many Apples


#278 - No Mathematical Operations

How can you increase number 66 by 1.5 without any mathematical operations)?

No Mathematical Operations

Turn it upside down as shown.

#279 - Color Tree Puzzle

Which color should be added at the top of the tree.

Color Tree Puzzle

Red or Tan

The numbers of alphabets get reduced by 1 on every row.
Scarlet = 7
Orange and Yellow = 6
Green, Brown, and black = 5
Gray and Blue = 4
So the next color should be of three words like Red or Tan.

#280 - Pick the odd one out Hand

Can you pick the odd one out picture?

Pick the odd one out Hand

4th one as its the only image of a left hand.