#121 - How Many Balls Pyramid Problem

Can you count the number of balls in picture below?

How Many Balls Pyramid Problem

30 (16+9+4+1).

#122 - Popular Algebraic Equation Puzzle

0 0 0 = 6
1 1 1 = 6
2 2 2 = 6
3 3 3 = 6
4 4 4 = 6
5 5 5 = 6
6 6 6 = 6
7 7 7 = 6
8 8 8 = 6
9 9 9 = 6

You can use any mathematical symbols in the space provided to make all above algebraic expressions true.

(0! + 0! + 0! )! =6
(1! + 1! + 1! )! =6
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
3 * 3 - 3 = 6
4 + 4 -sqrt(4) = 6
5 + 5 / 5 = 6
6 + 6 - 6 = 6
7 - 7 / 7 =6
8 - sqrt(sqrt(8+8) = 6
(9 + 9) / sqrt(9) = 6

#123 - Famous Counting Legs Riddle

I am standing in California palace. The palace has five soldiers. Every soldier has five rooms. Each room has five big tigers and each tiger have five small tigers. Each tiger has four legs.

How many are there in total?


25(number of rooms) * 5(big tiger) * 5(1-big tiger + 5small tiger) * 4(no. of legs)
5(no. of soldiers) * 2(no. of legs)
2 (Your leg)

25*5*6*4 + 5*2 + 2

#124 - Robbers Coin Puzzle

Seven Robbers loot the bank and hide the coins at a deserted factory.
They decide to divide the money equally next morning. Two greedy robbers decided to cheat the others and reach the factory at night. They equally divided the coins between them, one coin left. So they called another robber and then they decided to divide equally among three. Sadly again one coin left. Same thing happened for 4th 5th and the 6th robber.
However when 7th robber reached in the morning, they are able to divide the coins equally.

How many coins were there in total?

301 Coins

The remainder of 301/2 , 301/3 , 301/4 , 301/5 & 301/6 is one but 301 is perfectly divided by 7.

#125 - Find The Thief Riddle

Can you find the thief by just looking at the picture below?

Find The Thief Riddle

The Lady sitting in the chair has the detector attached to the back of her blouse.

#126 - Missing Rs1 Puzzle

I have Rs.50 and i spend in the way below.

Missing Rs1 Puzzle

Adding commutative balance does not make any sense.
Check my next example, where is spend Rs 50 in way below

Spent Balance
10 40
10 30
10 20
10 10
10 0
50 100

So in the puzzle, the number was chosen to confuse readers.

#127 - Good Age Riddle

Lena Dunham , Allison Williams, and Jemima Kirke are 3 daughters of a good mathematician "Geroge".
When I asked George the age of their daughters. He replied "The current age of her daughters is prime. Also, the difference between their ages is also prime."

How old are the daughters ?

Lena Dunham : 2 , Allison Williams : 5 and Jemima Kirke : 7

Age diff : 7-2 is 5 , 7-5 is 2 and 5-2 is 3 which all are prime numbers

#128 - Popular Logical Barrel Puzzle

We have shown you a regular water barrel. Without using any measuring device can you check if barrels is more than half filled or less than half filled ?

Popular Logical Barrel Puzzle

Simple science, Tilt the barrel until the water will touch the upper end of the barrel. and if bottom part is visible then it is less than half filled else more than half.

#129 - Famous 10 Castles Puzzle

In a time long back, there lived a king who ruled the great kingdom of Trojan House. As a part of the renovation of the kingdom to meet future security needs, he asked his chief architect to lay down a new play in a manner that all of his 10 castles are connected through five straight walls and each wall must connect four castles together.He also asked the architect that at least one of his castle should be protected with walls.The architect could not come up with any solution that served all of King’s choice, but he suggested the best plan that you can see in the picture.Can you find a better solution to serve the king’s demand?

Famous 10 Castles Puzzle

If you see the solution picture, you will find out that two castles are protected with walls in this formation.

#130 - Hard Prison CupCakes Riddle

Bea Smith , Vera Bennett, Franky Doyle and Doreen Anderson were in Wentworth Prison for murder. But their behavior on the jails is appreciated by the warden and the warden decided to give all these 4 prisoners 11 cupcakes.They all like cupcakes and they had all cupcakes in no matter of time but they do not know how many cupcake each individual had.Therefore Bea started the conversation Bea : "Hey T-Vera, did you had more cupcakes than I had ?"Vera : "I do not know girl, Hey Franky, did you had more cupcakes than I had ?".Franky: "I do not know"Doreen replied instantlyDoreen: "I know how exactly how many cupcakes each of you had?"So can you tell how many cupcakes each of them had ?

Hard Prison CupCakes Riddle

Bea : 1 cupcake
Vera : 2 cupcakes
Franky: 3 cupcakes
Doreen : 5 cupcakes

It is obvious if the prisoner person has eaten five or more of cupcakes than she wound not raise this question "did you had more cupcakes than me?" because it will make her the one who had eaten most cupcakes.

* Bea must do not have eater 5 cupcakes, therefore she has eaten anywhere between 1-4 cupcakes.
* Since Bea asked her the question Vera knows the fact that Bea has eaten 1-4 cupcakes and based on Vera reply, it is obvious she has eaten 2-4 cupcakes.
* Franky knows Vera replied with the answer as "I do not know and based on above logic, she must have had 3 or 4 cupcakes.
* Doreen replied she know all, which indicates she must have eaten 5.