#71 - Ten Letter Word Popular Riddle
I know a ten letter word in the English language which can be typed using only the top rows of the computer keyboard.

I know a ten letter word in the English language which can be typed using only the top rows of the computer keyboard.
You have two buckets of 11liter and 6liter.
How can you measure exactly 8liter ?
Steps 11-Liter 6Liter
1. 11 -
2. 5 6
3. 5 0
4. 0 5
5. 11 5
6. 10 6
7. 10 0
8. 4 6
9. 4 0
10. 0 4
11. 11 4
12. 9 6
13. 9 0
14. 3 6
15. 3 0
16. 0 3
17. 11 3
18. 8 6 ==> got it
A frog fell on a bottom of the well.
The well is 30 feet deep.
During day time, the frog jumps 5feet while at night when the frog sleeps he slip back 4feet.
In how many days frog will come out from the well ?
In 25days, he will jumo 25feet and den next five feet will make him out of the well
A Sweet girl purchased a book from a bookkeeper and give him Rs. 100.
The cost of the book is Rs.30 but the bookkeeper had got no change, so he gets the change from next shop and returns the girl her 70 Rupees.
After some time the next shopkeeper comes with the 100Rs note and told the bookkeeper that the note is fraud, so he takes money back.
How much loss did the bookkeeper face?
why number 8549176320 is one of a kind ?
All numbers(0-9) appears only once and all in alphabetical order
I have two coins.
* One of the coin is a faulty coin having tail on both side of it.
* The other coin is a perfect coin (heads on side and tail on other).
I blind fold myself and pick a coin and put the coin on table. The face of coin towards the sky is tail.
What is the probability that other side is also tail ?
2 possible scenario are :
case number side shown other side
1 A1 (H) A2 (H)
2 A2 (H) A1 (H)
3 B1 (H) B2 (T)
4 B2 (T) B1 (H)
case 4 is not possible so ans is 2/3
There is something which you can be arrested for attempting but not for successfully completing ?
Sherlock breaks into a crime scene. The victim is the owner who is slumped dead on a chair and have a bullet hole in his head. A gun lies on the floor and a cassette recorder is found on the table. On pressing the play button, Sherlock hears the message 'I have committed sins in my life and now I offer my soul to the great Lord' and followed a gunshot Sherlock smiles and informed the police that's its a murder.
Why did he think so?
How can a dead person rewind back the tape himself?
In the kingdom of skull, King Norse did not allow any citizen to visit the world outside. Also only a person with a proper paperwork was allowed to enter or he was sent back. A wooden bridge was what connected the kingdom to the world. The king had appointed a sharpshooter who would check every five minutes on the bridge to check. After checking, he would go back to his hut and return exactly after five minutes again. The bridge took 9 minutes to cross.
A merchant was able to escape the kingdom without harming the shooter.
How ?
The merchant walked across the bridge for almost five minutes when the shooter was inside the bridge. Then he turned and started walking back to the kingdom of skull. On approaching the kingdom, he was asked of papers which he never had. Thus he was sent back.
A man was gazing through the window of the 33rd floor of the building. He suddenly opened the window and jumped on the other side of the window. On landing the floor, there was not a sheer mark of injury on him.
How can that be possible if he did not use any kind of parachute and did not land on a soft surface ?
The man is a window cleaner who jumped inside of the window after finishing off on the 33rd floor.