#161 - OneLine Funny Riddle

Can you name a key which is hardest to turn ?

OneLine Funny Riddle


#162 - Funny Who Am I Riddle

I have 4wheels and flies. Who am i ?

Garbage Truck

#163 - Humor What AM I Riddle

I am a fruit always found in a group of 2.

What Am I ?

Humor What AM I Riddle


#164 - Laughter Riddle

A man found the English Channel while sitting on his sofa. How did he find it?

Laughter Riddle

He was searching on a map and located it between France and England.

#165 - Funny Short Murder Puzzle

So many people saw a man killing his wife. Despite of this, no one is able to accuse him of the murder and send him behind the bars.


Funny Short Murder Puzzle

This is because that man is a hangman and his wife has been apparently sentenced to death. So he had to kill her.

#166 - Funny Riddle To Ask Girlfriend

Women do it once a year after they turn 29 but men get to do it only once in a lifetime. What is it?

Funny Riddle To Ask Girlfriend

Turning 30

#167 - Shortest Funniest Country Riddle

What country can make you shiver?

Shortest Funniest Country Riddle


#168 - One Line Fun Riddle

How will you convert a TV, a bed, a dog and a car into liquid?

By selling them.

#169 - Funny Read Between Lines

January 1st 2010 = 800 X 600
January 1st 2011 = 1280 x1024
January 1st 2012 = 600 x 1200

New Year Resolution (Most Popular Screen Resolution of the year)

#170 - Funny New Year Riddle

How many months in this year will have 28 days ?

All (all months have 28 days atleast)