#101 - Dexter Riddle

Dexter has a Black Honda Accord. One of the tires is a flat tire but still he manages to reach the crime scene without replacing the tire. How

Dexter Riddle

The flat tire is a stepney tire.

#102 - Too Funny Riddle

Which city is three fifth chick two third cat and 50% goat ?


#103 - Funny Picture Riddle

how come the second man dies ?

Funny Picture Riddle

H202 is Hydrogen peroxide.

#104 - Funny Soldier Riddle

I am a soldier and i really hate one month.
Which month i am talking about ?

March :p

#105 - Fun Word Puzzle

Who is generally closer to the kids, mom or dad. ?
* its a funny riddle

Mom, because dad is father(farther)

#106 - Short Fun Riddle

Who can jump higher than the Mount Everest ?

Me, you and him and her and everyone :-) :-)
Mountains cant jump.

#107 - Funny Thinking Riddle

The horse jumps over the king.
Strangely there is absolutely no scratch on him.

Can anyone explain, how is this possible ?

Funny Thinking Riddle

Horse And King are chess piece and the above action is a part of a chess game

#108 - Tricky Riddle Question

In a rainy season, one day 3 huge ladies walking under a normally sized umbrella.
The umbrella is not huge enough to accommodate all 3 ladies yet not a single lady got wet.


Tricky Riddle Question

Its not raining , its just a rainy season :p

#109 - Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. Where does Easter come before Valentine's Day?

2. Do you know what is in the middle of Valentine?

3. What did the lady bee say to the man bee on the occasion of Valentine Day

Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. off-course in the dictionary
2. Its the letter 'N'
3. I love being(bee-ing) with you

#110 - Short Humor Riddle

What has a ring but no finger ?

Short Humor Riddle

A Telephone