#31 - Football Sports Riddle

In a picnic session, a footballer was practicing. During his play, he busted lips and ears and broke ribs and thighs. However, he was still able to play a professional match on the very next day.

How can this be possible?

The player knocked his food plate accidentally while playing. He was having pig lips, ears and ribs along with chicken thighs. When he knocked his plate, he busted pig lips, ears and ribs and chicken thighs.

Therefore, they were not his body injuries but the food.

#32 - Oneliner Ice Cream Riddle

Where do you go to learn how to make the ice cream ?

In a sundae school

#33 - Monkey Squirrel Eagle Race

A Monkey, a squirrel, and an Eagle are racing to the top of the mango tree. Assuming all these animals are in perfect shape, Which animal will reach Banana first?

It is a mango tree.

#34 - Football Riddle

In a football game , Chelsea defeated Mani 2 - 0 but no man from either side scored. How can this be possible ?

Football Riddle

It was a Chelsea ladies team vs Manu ladies team.

#35 - Ghost Room Puzzle

Which room is the ghost always afraid of ?

The Living room.

#36 - Funny Campfire Riddle

Can you start the fire using two pieces of woods ?

Yes, make sure one of them is matchsticks.

#37 - Stupid Funny Riddle

One Night, a Cook, a Cobbler and a Fisherman went to a dinner together and asked the manager to split the bill equally among them. When the bill arrived, it was for four people.

How can this be possible?

The fourth person was the Knight, here misspelled as Night.

#38 - Funniest Blonde Riddle

A blonde put eye liner on her head. Why?

She is trying to make up her mind.

#39 - Escape Strategy Riddle

Your bike crashed into the dark forest and suddenly you saw and deadly panther and jaguar. You got just one bullet.
What is your escape strategy?

Simple, You must shoot the panther and drive off in the jaguar(car).

#40 - Gambler Girl Friend Name Puzzle

What is the best name for Gambler Girl Friend?
