#81 - Funny Short Murder Puzzle

So many people saw a man killing his wife. Despite of this, no one is able to accuse him of the murder and send him behind the bars.


Funny Short Murder Puzzle

This is because that man is a hangman and his wife has been apparently sentenced to death. So he had to kill her.

#82 - Senseless Riddle

Through your logical capabilities, can you make 7 an even?

Just remove the 's' from seven and it will become 'even'.

#83 - Tricky Fun Riddle

Do you know who was buried in Drake's tomb?

Tricky Fun Riddle

Drake obviously

#84 - Funny Picture Riddle For Kids

Solve below famous picture riddle

Funny Picture Riddle For Kids

Hot is faster because we can catch Cold

#85 - Funny Interview Riddle

During an interview, the interviewer ordered hot coffee for the candidate to relieve the stress. The coffee was kept before him. After a minute, the interviewer asked him, 'What is before you?' He replied 'Tea'.

The candidate was selected immediately.


Funny Interview Riddle

Of course if the answer was coffee, he would have never asked such an easy and lame question. By saying you he meant the alphabet 'U' and as 'T' comes before U, he was impressed by the answer and selected the candidate.

#86 - Trick Pictogram Riddle

what does below pictogram riddle means ?

Trick Pictogram Riddle

Pirate (pi + rate)

#87 - Rude Riddle

A father is locked up in a jail. His wife has gone bankrupt. Their male child has to sell his hotel in order to gain some money. Yet their girl child does not care and is quite happy.

How can someone be so rude ?

Rude Riddle

Whole of the family is playing monopoly and the girl is winning the game.

#88 - Laughter Riddle

A man found the English Channel while sitting on his sofa. How did he find it?

Laughter Riddle

He was searching on a map and located it between France and England.

#89 - Funny Brain Twister

A father goes bankrupt. The mother has to sell the restaurant she had in her possession in order to attain some money. But their daughter is quite happy.

How can someone be so heartless and show such boorishness?

Funny Brain Twister

It's simple, they are playing monopoly.

#90 - Funny Christmas Riddle

What do lions sing at Christmas ?

Funny Christmas Riddle

They sing 'Jungle Bells!;