#261 - How can you insert 4 inside 5 Smart Maths Riddle

In what way can you place the number 4 inside the number 5?
Note: This is a trick riddle and not a mathematical riddle.

How can you insert 4 inside 5 Smart Maths Riddle


Which is : F(IV)E

Where IV = 4

So we achieved 4(IV) inside 5 (FIVE)

#262 - person who steals tea Brain Teaser

What do you call the person who steals tea ?

person who steals tea Brain Teaser

A "tea"f!

#263 - sherlock puzzle

A wife and her husband were driving in their car on the highway. All of a sudden, they ran out of gas. So the husband said to the wife, 'Now, you stay here. I will go down the highway to the nearest gas station, and I will be about 1 hour. Just listen to the radio and read some books, and remember to lock all the windows and doors. I will leave the keys with you.' So, off the husband went, and the wife first locked ALL the windows and doors. Next, she turned on the radio, and this is what she heard on the news report:
'THERE IS A MURDERER ON THE LOOSE. HE WAS LAST SEEN ON THE HIGHWAY, WEARING ALL BLACK, ABOUT 5 FOOT 11 INCHES. PLEASE, BE AWARE AND CONTACT THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY.' The wife got very scared. She turned off the radio and double checked the locked doors. Then she saw the murderer, only a couple feet away from the car. An hour later, the husband returned to his car. Inside the car, his wife was DEAD, she had been murdered. All the windows were still locked, and the doors. No windows were broken, and the car was in PERFECT condition. No scratches or anything, it was the same way as when he left it. How did the murderer kill the wife?You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to solve this ??

The car was a convertable, and the roof was open.

#264 - Maths Teaser

Try to find out a multi-digit number that if multiplied by the number 9 or any of its multiplications products (18, 27, 36, 45,..) will result in the multiplication factor repeated (n) number of times

The number is: 12345679
12345679 * 9 = 111111111
12345679 * 18 = 222222222
12345679 * 27 = 333333333
And so on...

#265 - Riddle For Children

Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Riddle For Children

Mount Everest

#266 - Coin Riddle

If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?

Coin Riddle

Simply push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out.

#267 - Trick Math Question

What is the largest number you can write with just 3 digits ?

Trick Math Question

9^9^9 (9 to the 9th power of 9).
Many People must have tough 999

#268 - chacha chaudhary Puzzle

chacha chaudhary(name of a person) is convicted in Germany. He gets the death penalty. The judge allows him to say a last sentence in order to determine the way the penalty will be carried out. If he lies, he will be hanged, if he speaks the truth he will be beheaded. The perspn speaks a last sentence and to everybody surprise some minutes later he is set free because the judge cannot determine his penalty.What did chacha chaudhary said?

chacha chaudhary Puzzle

chacha chaudhary said: 'I shall be hanged!' If he was lying, he would be hanged. But that's what the chacha was saying. So he speaks the truth. But if he speaks the truth, he would be beheaded, so then he was not speaking the truth. So it is impossible for the judge to determine wether the person speaks the truth or not. So therefore the judge cannot determine the penalty and sets him free.

#269 - Clever Riddle Problem

Mayank was driving a bus and got stuck when passing through an underpass.Then came a boy with a needle and got the bus out of underpass.

What did the boy do ?

Clever Riddle Problem

Through needle, the boy deflated the tyres. which make the height of the bus reduced and it easily passed through the underpass

#270 - Funny Thinking Riddle

The horse jumps over the king.
Strangely there is absolutely no scratch on him.

Can anyone explain, how is this possible ?

Funny Thinking Riddle

Horse And King are chess piece and the above action is a part of a chess game