#51 - Logical Thinking Puzzle

How many cubic feet of dirt are in a hole of one foot deep, three feet long, and two feet wide?

Logical Thinking Puzzle

NONE, holes are empty

#52 - Complicated Riddle

If two's company, and three's a crowd, then whats four and five ?

Complicated Riddle


#53 - Trick Teaser Problem

Twins(Adarsh and Anupam) were born in May but their birthday is in June.hows this possible ?

Trick Teaser Problem

May is a town

#54 - QuickFire Riddle

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

QuickFire Riddle


#55 - Smart Puzzle

Assume there are approximately 5,000,000,000 (5 billion) people on Earth. What would you estimate to be the result, if you multiply together the number of fingers on every person left-hands? (For the purposes of this exercise, thumbs count as fingers, for five fingers per hand.) If you cannot estimate the number then try to guess how long the number would be ?

Smart Puzzle

The product of the number of fingers on the left-hands of every person is zero. It only takes one person to have no fingers on their left hand for the product to be zero, because anything multiplied by zero equals zero.

#56 - Tricky Funny Riddle

Manish is the son of Harish.
Harish is the_____of Manish's father ?

Tricky Funny Riddle


#57 - Tricky Password Teaser

There was some system error in a mailing website because of which passwords of some clients got changed.
Here is a conversation between a client and mailing-website executive person.

Client : My password is altered.
Client : I am not able to logged-in.
Executive : The password is distinct this time and it got eight letters , out of which two are same of your previous password.
Client: thanks , now i am able to logged-in.

Whats the client old and new passwords ?

Tricky Password Teaser

Old password : distinct , New Password : altered :p

#58 - Labor Day Maths Puzzle

Manish drive to his office at 20km/hr. After reaching office, he realize that today is a holiday of 'Labor Day'.He went back at average speed of 30km/hr. Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey ?

Labor Day Maths Puzzle

24km/hr (not 25km/hr which might be guessed by many)

D : distance traveled
T1 : time of going to office
T2 : time of returning back
Y : Average Speed

D = 20 * T1
T1 = D/20

D = 30 * T2
T2 = D/30

2D = Y(T2 + T1)
2D = Y(D/20 + D/30)
2D = Y(3D/60 + 2D/60)
2D = Y(5D/60)
Y = 120D/5D

=> Y = 24

#59 - Trick Maths Riddle

I have a role of cloth 1km long.
I have a machine which cuts this role into pieces of 10 meter long cloth.

How long would it take for the machine to cut the roll if each cut took 4 secs ?

Trick Maths Riddle

396 seconds

1000m would only take 99 cuts not 100.
so 4*99 => 396

#60 - Short Math Riddle

Can you convert number zero(0) into a positive number using just one mathematical operator ?

Short Math Riddle
