#281 - Bottles Count Logic Maths Puzzle

A shopkeeper allows people to buy a bottle of cold drink in exchange of five empty bottled. A guy had a party at home and he managed to spend 77 cold drink bottles in the party. Now he has 77 empty bottles with him.

How many bottles do you think he can buy in exchange of those 77 empty bottles ?

He can purchase 19 new bottles in return.

He will get 15 bottles after returning 75 empty bottles and will be left 2 empty bottles.
Now, the 15 bottles when empty will get him 3 more bottles.
The three empty bottles will get him another bottle. Remember he had 2 empty bottles as well.

#282 - How Many Times Chocolate Bar

There is a 2 x 8 chocolate bar I have with me. I can break this bar along the length or the breadth. Now, I want to obtain 1 x 1 pieces.

How many times do you think I need to break it to get what I want ?

You can calculate it using old school way. However if you want to solve using logic, you can look below:
There is one piece of chocolate and we need exactly 2 x 8 = 16 pieces.
Whenever you break that bar, you will get one more piece. Thus, you will need to break it (16 - 1) = 15 times.

#283 - Who Is Taller Puzzle

500 women soldiers are arranged in an array of ten rows and fifty columns in accordance with their respective heights. Now, the tallest woman from each row is asked to move out in the front. From them, the shortest one is labelled as Alpha. They are then asked to resume their original position.

Now, the shortest woman in each column is asked to come out in front. The tallest among them is labelled as Beta.

Can you find out if Alpha will be taller or Beta?

Alpha and Beta are the same woman.

Let us begin by making the assumption that the numbers represent the height of the women.

Now, the tallest among 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. will be 50 or Alpha.
The shortest among 50, 100, ... , 500 will be 50 or Beta.

Therefore, they both are the same woman.

#284 - Chances Of Survival Probability Puzzle

You are trapped into a death trap by the famous jigsaw killer. As usual, a screen flashes in front of you and explains you the trap game.

There are 100 pearls kept in a bowl in front of you and an empty bowl. Among the 100 pearls, 50 are white and 50 are black. You can divide them as you like into the two bowls. Once you are done, you will pull a lever, which will turn the room pitch black. The bowls will move and shuffle around. In the dark, you have to pick up one pearl from any bowl. Once you do that, the room will flood with lights again. If the peral you have in your hand is white, you will be allowed to live, but if the pearl you picked is black, the room will be filled with poisonous gas and you will die.

How will divide the pearls to increase your chances of survival?

For best probability of living, you must place one white pearl in a bowl and all the rest into another bowl.

This gives you a 1/2 probability of choosing a bowl which has just a white pearl. If you choose that, you will live.
If you choose another, you will still have an almost 1/2 probability of picking up a white pearl. (49 white pearls and 50 black pearls).

#285 - Hard Square Count

Can you calculate the total number of square in the given figure?

Hard Square Count

The total number of squares are 24.Refer to the attached picture to know the insight about how we calculated them.

#286 - Photo Plexer Puzzle

Can you solve the photo plexer logic ?

Photo Plexer Puzzle

Nice Personality (n + ice + Purse on ality)

#287 - One Question To Find Village

Mr. Buttons was all set to go to the village of Buttonland to meet his friend. So, he packed his bags and left for the village at 5 in the morning. Upon travelling on a road for miles, he came across a point where the road diverged into two. He was confused on which road to take. He gazed around and he saw two owls sitting on a branch. He thought he could ask for directions for the village from the two owls. So he went to the tree. There he saw a sign which read, "One owl always lies, and one is always truthful. They both fly away if you ask them more than 1 question."
Mr. Buttons was caught in the dilemma of what to ask? And from which owl to ask, since he only had one question. What should Mr. Buttons ask?

Ask any of the owl, "if I would ask the owl sitting next to you: which is the road to
the village, what would it answer?"
If you ask this to the lying owl, it will point you in the wrong way.
If you ask this to the one who speaks the truth, it will also point you in the wrong way.
Thus, ask the question and take the other road. You will reach the village.

#288 - The Great Chocoberry Problem

Rohan, a 7 year old boy, was really fond of the chocolates called "Chocoberries". He asked his Mrs. Mother to give him some money to buy his favorite chocolates. His Mrs. Mother gave him Rs 45. He went to the shopkeeper and asked, "how much is one chocoberry for?". The shopkeeper said, Rs 3 for one chocolate. Also, if you give me the wrappers of three chocoberries, I will give you one for for the exchange.
In total, how many chocoberries could Rohan eat?


He can buy 15 chocolates at first from the 45 bucks that he has. Then further, he can exchange the 15 rappers to get 5 more. Then he can return 3 rappers of the 5 to get one more chocolate, and in the end use the wrapper from this one alongwith the 2 left with him to get one more. 15+5+1+1= 22.

#289 - Create Function Puzzle

There are two variables x and y. Jimmy is required to construct a function f(a,b) which returns the maximum one in {a,b}.
You can only use +,-,ยท, / & abs() (to take the absolute value). NO if () is allowed in to jimmy.

Solve this one, math freaks.

Also, {a+b-abs(a-b)}/2 is the smaller one in {a,b}

#290 - Einsteins IQ Series

Find the next number if the sequence if you can

102 104 108 110 114 128 ?


The solution lies in the fact that the series is list of sequential (prime numbers + 1) (101 103 107 109 113 127 131 being the prime numbers)