#21 - Hard Logic Chess Puzzle
Assume you have the white pieces, can you win in a half a move ?

White should grab the rook from a1, place it at d1 and complete the castling move.
Assume you have the white pieces, can you win in a half a move ?
White should grab the rook from a1, place it at d1 and complete the castling move.
I know a ten letter word in the English language which can be typed using only the top rows of the computer keyboard.
You have two buckets of 11liter and 6liter.
How can you measure exactly 8liter ?
Steps 11-Liter 6Liter
1. 11 -
2. 5 6
3. 5 0
4. 0 5
5. 11 5
6. 10 6
7. 10 0
8. 4 6
9. 4 0
10. 0 4
11. 11 4
12. 9 6
13. 9 0
14. 3 6
15. 3 0
16. 0 3
17. 11 3
18. 8 6 ==> got it
Sherlock breaks into a crime scene. The victim is the owner who is slumped dead on a chair and have a bullet hole in his head. A gun lies on the floor and a cassette recorder is found on the table. On pressing the play button, Sherlock hears the message 'I have committed sins in my life and now I offer my soul to the great Lord' and followed a gunshot Sherlock smiles and informed the police that's its a murder.
Why did he think so?
How can a dead person rewind back the tape himself?
In the kingdom of skull, King Norse did not allow any citizen to visit the world outside. Also only a person with a proper paperwork was allowed to enter or he was sent back. A wooden bridge was what connected the kingdom to the world. The king had appointed a sharpshooter who would check every five minutes on the bridge to check. After checking, he would go back to his hut and return exactly after five minutes again. The bridge took 9 minutes to cross.
A merchant was able to escape the kingdom without harming the shooter.
How ?
The merchant walked across the bridge for almost five minutes when the shooter was inside the bridge. Then he turned and started walking back to the kingdom of skull. On approaching the kingdom, he was asked of papers which he never had. Thus he was sent back.
Dwayne Johnson was running away with the loot from a heist in his car along with Vin Diesel. One tire was punctured and he dropped down to replace it. While changing the wheel, he dropped the four nuts that were holding the wheel and they fell into a drain. Vin Diesel gave him an idea using which they were able to drive till the rendezvous point.
What was the idea ?
Vin Diesel told him to use one nut from each of the other wheels.
100^2 - 99^2 + 98^2 - 97^2 + 96^2 - 95^2 + ... + 2^2 - 1^2 = ?
Since you can notice that there are fifty pairs of n^2 - (n-1) ^2,
n^2 - (n-1)^2 = n + (n - 1)
Thus 100^2 - 99^2 + 98^2 - 97^2 + 96^2 - 95^2 + ... + 2^2 - 1^2 can also be written as
100 + 99 + 98+ ... + 2 + 1 = (100 x 101)/2 = 5050
Q1. Identify the first question where c) is the accurate answer
a) Q3
b) Q4
c) Q1
d) Q2
Q2. Identify the first question where a) is the accurate answer
a) Q4
b) Q2
c) Q3
d) Q1
Q3. Identify the first question where d) is the accurate answer
a) Q1
b) Q2
c) Q4
d) Q3
Q4. Identify the first question where b) is the accurate answer
a) Q2
b) Q4
c) Q3
d) Q1
Anabelle is a clever trader of rare artifacts. Each day she carries three boxes with each filled with thirty artifacts. The boxes cant hold more than that. She travels far of northern lands to sell these artifacts but on way, she comes across thirty checkpoints where she has to shed one of the artifact for each sack to the authorities for letting her pass.
How many artifacts will be left with her when she reaches her destination crossing all the check points ?
Anabelle is no dumb trader and she knows the strategy with the help of which she will be able to save 25 artifacts even after passing 30 check points.
All she will focus on is getting rid of the boxes as soon as possible.
To shed the first sack quickest possible, she will start filling artifacts from one box to other two. Assume that she is able to do that after passing through A check points.
(Space in first box) A + (Space in second box) A = (Remaining artifacts in third box) 30 -A
A = 10
Therefore, after 10 check points, she will be left with two boxes with 30 artifacts each. Now to get rid of the second box, she will start filling artifacts from second box to first box. Let us assume that she is able to get rid of the second box after B checkpoints.
(Space in first box) B = (Remaining artifacts in second box) 30 - B
B = 15
Therefore, after fifteen check points, she will be left with one sack with thirty artifacts in it.
Since she has five more check points left, she will have to give five more artifacts and after passing them all, she will still have 25 artifacts.
I have one of the three numbers: 1, 2 or 3 in my mind. I speak only truth. You can ask me just one question for which I will only reply in yes or no or don't know. What question will you ask from me so that you are able to know the number?
You will ask, I am thinking of a number from 2 and 3. Is the number I am thinking of smaller than or equal to the number you have in your mind?
Now, if I reply no, then the number is 1.
If I reply yes, then the number is 3.
If I reply don't know, then the number is 2.