#1201 - Mathamatical Symbol Puzzle
Replace Question Mark With any mathamatical symbol to make statement Correct
(8 ? 0) ? (5 ? 4) ? (9 ? 5) = 3

(8 - 0) - (5 - 4) - (9 - 5) = 3
Replace Question Mark With any mathamatical symbol to make statement Correct
(8 ? 0) ? (5 ? 4) ? (9 ? 5) = 3
(8 - 0) - (5 - 4) - (9 - 5) = 3
Rose, Lily and Jasmine decided to buy flowers for their moms on Mother's Day. One of them bought lilies, the other roses, and the third one jasmines.
'It's funny!' said the girl with roses, 'we bought roses, jasmines and lilies, but none of us bought the flowers matching her name'.
'You're right!', said Lily.
What kind of flowers did each of the girls buy?
Rose bought lilies, Lily bought jasmines and Jasmine - roses. By the condition, the girl, who bought the roses isn't Rose. She's not Lily either, because Lily answered to that girl. So, the roses were bought by Jasmine, and thus lilies were bought by Rose and jasmines by Lily.
An American nightclub called 'The Coconut Grove' had a terrible fire in which over 400 people died. A simple design flaw in the building led to the death toll being so high. Subsequently, regulations were changed to ensure that all public buildings throughout the country eliminated this one detail which proved so deadly. What was it?
The doors at 'The Coconut Grove' opened inward. In the mad panic to escape the fire, people were crushed against the doors and could not pull them open. After 'The Coconut Grove' disaster in 1942, all public buildings had to have doors which opened outward.
Two brothers were watching a horror film on video late one night. One brother dozed off and dreamed that he was being chased by the crazy man from the movie, who was trying to kill him. In the dream, he hid in a cupboard. There was no sound except his heart pounding, and he had no idea where his crazed captor was. He was terrified! At that moment, the video finished, and his brother put his hand on the shoulder of his sleeping sibling to wake him. The shock at that tense moment was enough that the sleeping brother suffered a massive heart attack and died instantly. True or false?
False- if he had instantly died, how would anybody know his dream
Out of three people (Lavesh, Mayank and Manoj), one of them is a king, one a bureaucrat, and one a thief.
The king always tells the truth, the bureaucrat always lies, and the thief can either lie or tell the truth.
Lavesh says: 'Manoj is a bureaucrat.'
Mayank says: 'Lavesh is a king.'
Manoj says: 'I am the thief.'
Who is the king, who the bureaucrat, and who the thief?
Lavesh is a King
Mayank is a Spy
Manoj is a Bureaucrat
Mayank is not the king, since if he is, then Lavesh would also be the king.
Manoj is not the king, since his statement would then be a lie.
Therefore Lavesh is the king. Hence Manoj is the bureaucrat, and Mayank is the thief.
A clock loses 10 minutes each hour.If the clock is set correctly at noon,what time is it when it reads 3 PM ?
3:36 PM.
The clock loses 10 minutes each hour,
so it loses 5 minutes every half-hour,
and it loses 1 minute very 6 minutes.
It is 12:50 PM at 1:00 o'clock.
It is 1:40 PM at 2:00 o'clock.
It is 2:30 PM at 3:00 o'clock.
It is 2:55 PM at 3:30 o'clock.
It is 3:00 PM at 3:36 o'clock.
A four digit number (not beginning with 0) can be represented by ABCD. There is one number such that ABCD=A^B*C^D, where A^B means A raised to the B power. Can you find it?
The only number is 2592. 2^5 is 32 and 9^2 is 81. 32*81 is 2592.
Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they've got their man?
The fireman is the only man in the room. The rest of the poker players are women.
How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live ?
The baby fell out of a ground floor window.