#1221 - Hour Glass Puzzle

I have two sand hour glasses:
1. A 7 minute one and
2. An 11 minute one.

Using just these 2 sand hour glasses, how can i measure time as 15 minutes ?

Hour Glass Puzzle

1. Start both the 7 minute hour glass & 11 minute hour glass.
2. Wait till the 7 minute hour glass times out. Time is 7 minute!
3. Restart the 7 minute hour glass. At this time 11 minute hour glass will have 4 minutes left to time out.
4. As soon as 11 minute glass times out invert the 7 minute hour glass. Total time now is 11 minutes.
5. After inverting 7 minute hour glass, it will now have 4 minutes left for time out.
6. After these 4 minutes times out, the total time is 15 minutes.

#1222 - Missing Number In the Sequence Puzzle

Find The Missing Number In the Sequence ?
6 25 64 ? 32 1

Missing Number In the Sequence Puzzle

The answer is 81

6 (6^1)
25 (5^2)
64 (4^3)
81 (3^4)
32 (2^5)
1 (1^6)

#1223 - Tough Age Puzzle

My grandson is about as many days as my son in weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years ?

Tough Age Puzzle

I am 72 years old.

Let m be my age in years. If s is my son's age in years, then my son is 52s weeks old. If g is my grandson's age in years, then my grandson is 365g days old. Thus,
365g = 52s.
Since my grandson is 12g months old,
12g = m.
Since my grandson, my son and I together are 120 years,
g + s + m = 120.
The above system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns (g, s and m) can be solved as follows.
m / 12 + 365 m / (52 x 12) + m = 120 or
52 m + 365 m + 624 m = 624 x 120 or
m = 624 x 120 / 1041 = 72.
So, I am 72 years old.

#1224 - Dollar Cent Maths Riddle

I went to the book shop and spent one half of the money that was in my purse.

When I came out, I found that I had as many cents as I had dollars and half as many dollars as I had cents when I went in. Find the money in my purse when I entered the store.

Dollar Cent Maths Riddle

I have Dollar 99.98 in my purse when I entered the store.

#1225 - What Is It Riddle

Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?

What Is It Riddle

The word 'wholesome'

#1226 - What Am I Riddle For Kids

My life is generally measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.

What am I ?

What Am I Riddle For Kids


#1227 - What Does This Text Mean

what does this text mean SW and the 7 Ds

What Does This Text Mean

Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

#1228 - Hard Number Series Puzzle

What number comes next in the series 5 15 5 18 5 24 14 20 ?

Hard Number Series Puzzle


write the numbers in ascending order in words as onE twO threE fouR and so on
Replace the last letter in each word with position of letter in the alphabet (E=5, O=15, E=5, R=18 and so on)

so next number is ninE (=>5 as answer)

#1229 - Statement Problem

If all the below statement are true

1. Gianni was either in Italy or France in 1997.
2. If Gianni did not kill Versace, then Hilton must have killed him.
3. If Versace died of suffocation, then either Gianni killed him or Versace committed suicide.
4. If Gianni was in Italy in 1997, then Gianni did not kill Versace.
5. Versace died of suffocation, but he did not kill himself.

Who killed Versace and where was Gianni in 1997 ?

Statement Problem

Gianni was in France in 1997 & he killed Versace.

Versace died of suffocation=>This information should lead you to statement #3 next. From here you should gather that Gianni killed Versace.
Thus leading to statement #4, Gianni was in France in 1997.

#1230 - Picture Rebus Riddle

What does this rebus puzzle means ?

Picture Rebus Riddle

forgotten heroes