#1261 - Easy Gallon Riddle

I have a five and a three-gallon jar. Assuming there is an infinite supply of water, how can I measure one-gallon water?

Easy Gallon Riddle

-> Fill up the 3 gallon jar first , Pour it into the five gallon jar.
-> Fill up the 3 gallon jar again, and fill up the rest of the 5 gallon jar,
=> and you should have 1 gallon left over in the 3 gallon jar.

#1262 - Picture Problem Riddle

Solve this picture riddle

Picture Problem Riddle


#1263 - Proverb Rebus Riddle

What famous proverb does this rebus tell us

A friend in need is a friend in deed.

Proverb Rebus Riddle

A friend in need is a friend in deed.

#1264 - Easy Math Problem

In a strange city , there are just 2 houses.

If one person from house1 goes to house2, then the population of house2 is twice the population of house1.
While if one person from house2 goes to house1, then the population of house2 is same as the population of house1.

what the population of each house ?

Easy Math Problem

House1-> 5
House2-> 7

#1265 - Dating Puzzle

katrina wants to go on a date and prefers her date to be tall, dark and handsome.

Of the preferred traits - tall, dark and handsome - no two of Shahrukh, Ajay, Salman and Akshay have the same number.
Only Shahrukh or Akshay is tall and fair.
Only Ajay or Salman is short and handsome.
Shahrukh and Salman are either both tall or both short.
Ajay and Akshay are either both dark or both fair.
Who is katrina's date?

Dating Puzzle

Salman is katrina's date.

As no two of them have the same number of preferred traits - from (1), exactly one of them has none of the preferred traits and exactly one of them has all the preferred traits.

From (4) and (5), there are only two possibilities:
* Shahrukh & Salman both are tall and Ajay & Akshay both are fair.
* Shahrukh & Salman both are short and Ajay & Akshay both are dark.

But from (2), second possibility is impossible. So the first one is the correct possibility i.e. Shahrukh & Salman both are tall and Ajay & Akshay both are fair.

Then from (3), Ajay is short and handsome.

Also, from (1) and (2), Shahrukh is tall and fair. Also, Akshay is the person without any preferred traits. Salman is Dark. Shahrukh and Salman are handsome. Thus, following are the individual preferred traits:

Salman - Tall, Dark and Handsome
Shahrukh - Tall and Handsome
Ajay - Handsome
Akshay - None :-(

Hence, Salman is katrina's date.

#1266 - Email Rebus Riddle

What does this rebus puzzle means ?

Email Rebus Riddle


#1267 - Friends Maths Puzzle

Ross five friends Rachel,Monica Phoebe,Joey and Chandler lives in the same road.

Rachel lives in house:A , Monica lives in house:B , Phoebe lives in house:C , Joey lives in house:D , Chandler lives in house:E

B*C*D = 1260
B + C + D = 2E
2A = E

The road numbers run from 2 to 222.

Can you tell the house number of each of Ross's friends ?

Friends Maths Puzzle

Rachel lives in House no.36
Monica lives in House no.4
Phoebe lives in House no.9
Joey lives in House no.35
Chandler lives in House no.24

#1268 - Solve The Rebus Puzzle

Can you solve the rebus below ?

Solve The Rebus Puzzle

Scatter Brain

#1269 - Michael Phelps Maths Problem

Michael Phelps , the famous swimmer can swim downstream in a lake in exact 40 minutes (with the lake current helping time).
He can swim upstream in a lake in exact 60 minutes (against the lake current).
The length of lake is 2 kilometers.

How long Michael Phelps can cover distance of one side at a still lake (no current).

Michael Phelps Maths Problem

48 minutes

#1270 - Maths Picture Equation Puzzle

Can you solve this picture maths equation

Maths Picture Equation Puzzle