#1281 - Replace The Question Mark In The Picture

Replace The Question Mark in the picture with the correct number.

Replace The Question Mark In The Picture


#1282 - What Am I Looking For

I am a ten letters word
The first four letters have the power to rule,
Next, four-letter can be eaten.
Next three letter represents a lady.
I can fly as well

what am I looking for?

What Am I Looking For


#1283 - What Word Rebus Riddle

What word does this rebus means ?


What Word Rebus Riddle

Comfortable (Come 4 Table)

#1284 - Tricky Riddle Question

In a rainy season, one day 3 huge ladies walking under a normally sized umbrella.
The umbrella is not huge enough to accommodate all 3 ladies yet not a single lady got wet.


Tricky Riddle Question

Its not raining , its just a rainy season :p

#1285 - Interesting Riddle To Ask

I met a girl, she knows that I am the owner of an interesting puzzle website.
So when I asked her name she told me her name is the date '07/09/2001'.

I thought for few seconds and then I got her name.

Do you?


7 = G
9 = I
20 = T
1 = A

#1286 - Clock Puzzle

How many times in a given day , minutes and hour clock comes in a straight line ?

Clock Puzzle


In 12 hours, the minute and hour hands overlaps or are in exact opposite direction 22 times.
=> In 24 hours, the hands overlaps or are in opposite direction 44 times

#1287 - Intel Logic Aptitude Interview Question

Three brothers are identical triplets.
-: The oldest(my minutes) is Sanjay and he is so honest that he always tells the truth.
-: The next oldest is Anurag and he always lies.
-: The next and the youngest is Anmol and he sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth.

Aditi, an old friend of the the brothers visited them after a long time and did not recognize them.
:- Aditi asked the brother that was sitting on the left, 'Which brother is in the middle of you three?' and the answer she received was, 'Oh, that's Sanjay.'
:- Aditi then asked the brother in the middle, 'What is your name?' The response given was, 'I am Anmol'
:- Aditi turned to the brother on the right, then asked, 'Who is that in the middle?' The brother then replied, 'He is Anurag.'

This confused Aditi; she had asked the same question three times and received three different answers.

Who was who ?

Intel Logic Aptitude Interview Question

The first one cannot be Sanjay, because that would make the first one a liar. The second one cannot be Sanjay for the same reason. So, the third brother must be Sanjay. This means the middle one is Anurag and the only one left is Anmol.

#1288 - Hard Count The Number Of Triangles

Can you count the number of triangles in the picture below ?

Hard Count The Number Of Triangles


#1289 - Polaris Maths Aptitude Interview Questio

Find the next number in the series

12, 20, 40, 72, 116, 172 ?

* This question was asked in polaris

Polaris Maths Aptitude Interview Questio


40 { diff 20 + 12 =>32 add to it}
72 { diff 32 + 12 =>44 add to it}
116 { diff 44 + 12 =>56 add to it}
172 { diff 56 + 12 =>68 add to it}

#1290 - Calender Date Puzzle

In The 1st month of this year(year 2013) , i noticed that the date 13-1-13 (13 January 2013) is special.

This date is special as :
Date * Month = Year.

Can you figure out which year of this centaury have maximum number of such dates ?

Calender Date Puzzle


Has seven such instance in the year-