#1471 - Triangle Number Puzzle

Can you find a relation between the given figures and find the missing number?

Triangle Number Puzzle


The center number is the product of the largest cornering numbers minus the square of the smallest one.

Thus the number is:
45 – 16 = 29

#1472 - Trick Mind Teaser

What is made up of 4 letters, still made up of 5, occasionally written with 12 letters and rarely with 6, but is written with 3 letters at none of the occasion

Trick Mind Teaser

The statement is true.

What as 4 letters.
Still has 5 letters.
Occasionally has 12 letters.
Rarely has 6 letters.
But has 3 letters.

#1473 - Fun With Matchsticks Riddle

As we can see there are seven square in the picture below.

Can you move four match sticks to form 9 squares ?

Fun With Matchsticks Riddle

The Matchsticks Riddle can be solved as shown below.

#1474 - Lolz Riddle

He shaves every day but still he has a long beard. How?

Lolz Riddle

He is a barber.

#1475 - Relationship Puzzle

Nicholas is my uncle's sister's granddaughter's son. What is the closest possible relationship I can have to Nicholas?

Relationship Puzzle

He's your grandson.

This is because:
Uncle's sister would either be your mother or your aunt. But since you have asked for the closet relation, it would be your mother.
Your mother's granddaughter would be either your daughter or your niece. But daughter is the closest.
Further, your daughter's son is without a fail your grandson.

#1476 - Count The Number Of Squares Puzzle

Find the number of squares in the given picture.

Count The Number Of Squares Puzzle


There are 40 squares in this picture.
Let us denote the size of squares from smaller to larger by S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5.
No. of S1 = 8
No. of S2 = 16 + 2 middle ones = 18
No. of S3 = 9
No. of S4 = 4
No. of S5 = 1

#1477 - What Is It Word Riddle

Its pretty hard to give up.
If you remove a part of it, you will be left with a bit.
Even if you remove another part, bit still remains.
Remove one more and it still remains.

What is it?

What Is It Word Riddle


#1478 - Interesting Coin Riddle

A man comes across a coin that is dated 226 B.C. Can you calculate its worth ?

Interesting Coin Riddle

That coin is fake. This is because the B.C. and A.D. dating system was not invented till the year 525. Thus the worth of the coin is zero undoubtedly.

#1479 - Count Numbers of Circles

Find out the number of circles in the given picture.

Count Numbers of Circles

There are 17 circles in this picture.
You can easily place the one in the middle. Just concentrate on that for a bit and you will know what other 16 circles are present in the picture.

#1480 - Fun Rebus Riddle

What does below rebus puzzle means ?

Fun Rebus Riddle

All around the houses