#1791 - Current Time Rebus
The current time can be represented by below textual rebus.
Can you tell us the current time?
2 degree below zero
The current time can be represented by below textual rebus.
Can you tell us the current time?
2 degree below zero
Can you start the fire using two pieces of woods ?
Yes, make sure one of them is matchsticks.
what one word does below rebus identifies ?
Reasoning (Reason in G)
In a football game , Chelsea defeated Mani 2 - 0 but no man from either side scored. How can this be possible ?
It was a Chelsea ladies team vs Manu ladies team.
Can you replace the question mark with the correct number, given the pair of numbers exhibits similar relationship?
? : 3839 :: 11 : 1209
Formular used :
pow(x,3) - pow(x,2) - 1
11*11*11 - 11*11 - 1
1331 - 121 - 1
Similarly, we can solve
pow($x,3) - pow($x,2) - 1 = 3839
This condition holds true for number-16.
Where do you go to learn how to make the ice cream ?
In a sundae school
Replace the alphabet with the number such that below equation hold true.
+ 284508
Before Balboa discovered the Pacific ocean, which was the largest ocean before that ?
Whether discovered or not Pacific is always the biggest ocean :-)
Can you replace the "?" in the picture table below with the appropriate numbers.
73 , 48
The number on the left is abtained by summing the two `number above it and subtract the sum by 5.
8 + 11 - 5 = 14
14 + 10 - 5 = 19
19 + 16 - 5 = 30
30 + 21 - 5 = 46
46 + 32 - 5 = 73
Right column = left number above it + 2 => 46 + 2 => 48