#1901 - Short Humour Riddle
Suzan gives birth to an orphan. What does this make Suzan?

Hercule Poirot arrived at a crime scene and based on clues at the scene he needs to identify if its a murder or a suicide.
Can you help him identify if its a murder or a suicide?
It's a Murder.
Indication-1: There is a sign of the struggle in the room.
Indication-2: In case of suicide, bullet wound is generally on the head but here the wound is on the chest.
Indication-3: The dead man is left handed as all his the stuff like phone pens are on the left side but the gun is on the right-hand side (must be planted).
Whats the output of below equation?
(10^0 + 10^1 *10^2 - 10^0)/10 = ?
Note: This belongs to quick-fire section riddles so you need to answer this really fast.
Which of below picture has the maximum painted area?
Picture-A has 13 painted units while Picture-B and Picture-C got 13 painted units.
In how many ways by using number 1 to 7 and + operator, you can make the number as 100?
2 Ways
1 + 2 + 34 + 56 + 7 = 100.
1 + 23 + 4 + 5 + 67 = 100.
Can you count the number of images in which man palm is pointing to number 1?
It goes through a door but never comes in or goes out. What is it?
A keyhole
It goes right through the door but is stuck to the door i.e never comes in or goes out.
Steve Urkel challenges a magician that he can better is the act of standing under water for 8 minutes by at least 2 minutes.
The magician promised Steve that he will give him $1000 if he can do the same.
Steve won the challenge.
Steve filled a glass with water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.
Can you locate the white chip in the picture full of casino chips?