#1951 - Humour Skeletons Milk Teaser
Why do all the skeletons drink a lot of milk?

Milk is good for the bones
Why do all the skeletons drink a lot of milk?
Milk is good for the bones
Can you find values of A B And C?
0 3 A
+ A 3
A = 7 , B =1 and C = 0
0 3 7
+ 7 3
1 1 0
The college students went to the camp. They were dancing near the campfire when suddenly rains fall down and campfire got extinguished.
One of the student Eden has a torch and some batteries. He realized that he got a total of 8 batteries out of which 4 are charged and 4 are not. Eden doesn't know which batteries are charged and which are not.
What is the least number of attempts Eden needs to light up the torch?
Put batteries into 3 groups: two groups of 3 and one group of 2.
It guarantees at least one of the group has got two working battery
Group of 3 requires 3 attempts to verify if 2 batteries of the group are working (B1+B2, B2+B3, and B1+B3) while the group of 2 requires one attempt (B1+B2)
Total attempts = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7
You are stuck in a hard floor room with no windows or doors. There are a wooden table and mirror in the room.
How did you get out of the room?
You looked into the mirror to saw.
You then picked that saw and cut the wooden table into two half.
Two half makes a hole (whole).
You crawled through the hole and get out.
Can you find the mistake in the picture below?
The mistake is misspelled as mitsake.
A male elephant can go to the swimming pool at any time. Why?
Becuase elephant always got their trunk :-)
Which vehicle is needed to make scale balance?
Carriage = 2, the Car = 3 and the Bus = 6
What is Blind Dumb and Deaf yet it always tells the truth?
A Mirror
A Group of 90 students is there is sports group.
Football is played by 30 students.
Volleyball is played by 40 students.
Basketball is played by 25 students.
15 students play both Football and Volleyball.
10 students play both Football and Basketball.
8 students play both Volleyball and Basketball.
23 students are not playing any games.
How many students are playing in all three games?