#2211 - Kid Question
There is something which comes once in a minute , twice in a moment but strangely never in a thousand years ?

The Letter 'M'
There is something which comes once in a minute , twice in a moment but strangely never in a thousand years ?
The Letter 'M'
There are three gallons X,Y & Z.
Gallon X having capacity of eight liters is with filled with 5 liters of liquid.
Gallon Y having capacity of five liters is with filled with 3 liters of liquid.
Gallon Z having capacity of three liters is with filled with 2 liters of liquid.
How can you measure 1 liter of liquid in minimum number of steps ?
Step 1) Pour 1 litre of liquid from gallon X to gallon Z. Now 4 litres of liquid is left in the gallon X and gallon Z is full.
Step 2) Pour liquid from gallon Z to gallon Y. Now as soon as gallon Y is full , you know there is one liter of liquid is in gallon Z.
What Number Should Replace The Question Mark In The Circle Below ?
It is the sum of the two digits(9 + 8) in opposite quadrant.
Replace The Question Mark Below With Correct Number ?
2 {38} 3
4 {1524} 5
6 {3548} 7
8 {????} 9
1st num:8*8-1=63
Find the Odd One Out ?
All the others are three digit numbers followed by their square root, eg 361 followed by its square root, 19.
I guess 76.8% readers will like this riddle.
What's the least number of people should read this post ?
125 people
96/125 = 76.8