#611 - Relationship Logic Puzzle

In a boat, the father of a sailor son is sitting with the son of the sailor. However, the sailor is not present on the boat.

Can this even be possible?

Yes it is possible because the sailor is the wife and mother..

#612 - Blonde 911 Riddle

At dull night when the blonde was dozing, she heard an odd clamor and she saw that there were bizarre man with a gun simply outside her home. So she raced to telephone to call a police, however, she cant dial 911.


Blonde cannot find 11 on phone

#613 - Who Is The Killer

A murder took place on the Baker Street. The murderer seemed a fan of Sherlock Holmes evident with the notes he/she left behind at the house at different locations.

When Sherlock Holmes arrived, he found out that the victim was a lady named Martha. She was shot and there were five suspects:

The notes that were left by the murderer were placed at different places and had a little description on them:
The first note was found in the compound.
The second note was found in the art room.
The third note was found in the restroom.
The fourth note was found in the underwater room.
The fifth note was found in the smoking lounge.
The sixth note was found in the makeup room.

All the notes had only one thing written on them:
"The clues are where you find the notes."

On examination, nothing was found anywhere. Can you help Sherlock to decipher this puzzle?

While it may have sounded a bit too difficult, it is not that difficult to crack.

The murderer is Marcus.

The notes were found in the Compound, Art Room, Restroom, Underwater Room, Smoking Lounge and Makeup Room.

Now, if we just look at the first letter of each, we will have - C, A, R, U, S and M.
If you arrange the letters, you will get the name Marcus.

#614 - Cool Words Riddle

_ _ _ IE _ _
_ _ _ IE _
_ _ IE _ _
_ _ IE _
_ _ _ _ IE

Like you see, some letters have gone missing from these words that contain the IE pair at some or the other place. The letters that will be used to fill the blanks are given below. Use them and form meaningful words. Can you do that?

A, C, D, F, H, K, L, M, N, N, O, R, R, S, S, S, T, T, Y and Y.

The words are

#615 - Wacky Word Rebus

For this puzzle, you might have to find logic in something illogical. But hey, its fun and a healthy little break from your strenuous puzzle solving sessions.

Can you decipher the meaning in the following cluster of letters?


To frame a meaning, we will have to divide this big chunk into three smaller groups of letters. Lets see.

ITIT can be rewritten as 2 ITs or simply ITs or ITs
,N can be rewritten as Comma + N or Common
CENTCENT can be rewritten as 2 Cents or simply Cents or Sense

Now we have three words and when we combine them together, we get:
Its Common Sense.

#616 - Analyze The Logical Pattern

What you read below is true and follows a pattern:

7 + 7 = 2
8 + 8 = 4
8 + 5 = 1
6 + 9 = 3
10 + 11 = 9

Can you analyze the pattern and find out the answer for:
4 + 9 = ?

Here, the first number represents the time in AM. The second number is the number of hours you have to add in that time to get the time in PM.

7 + 7 = 2
Can be written as
7 AM + 7 hours = 2 PM (7 + 7 = 14:00)

Following the same pattern,
4 AM + 9 hours = 1 PM (4 + 9 = 13:00)
Or, 4 + 9 = 1

#617 - which number should replace the question

Can you replace the question mark with the correct number?

6 30 870 756030 ?


6 * 6 - 6 =>30
30 * 30 - 30 => 870
870 * 870 -870 =>756030
756030 * 756030 - 756030 => 571580604870

#618 - Find Three Numbers Riddle

Find three number such that ?

* When we multiply three numbers, we will get prime number.
* The difference between second and the first number is equal to third and second.

-3 -1 1

-3 * 1 * -1 is prime.
Difference between second and first number is equal to third and second = 2

#619 - What Word Its It

What is It?
* Its a nine letter word.
* Exact opposite of phrase "friendly and outgoing"
* It contains the word "over".
* It starts will a vowel.


#620 - Complete the sequence puzzle

Can you complete the sequence puzzle ?



zodiac signs are : Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces