#1151 - Short Funny Riddle

Where do fish keep their money?

Short Funny Riddle

On River Bank

#1152 - Picture Riddle

Identify the hidden meaning behind this picture ?

Picture Riddle

Growing Economy

#1153 - Escape Puzzle

A boy was locked in a room by some robbers. All that is in the room is a piano, calendar, and a bed. The room is locked from the outside. What does he eat, drink, and how does he escaped and get out ?

Escape Puzzle

He eats the 'dates' on the calendar,gets water from the waterbed,and uses the piano key to escape

#1154 - What Am I

Look at me. I can bring a smile to your face, A tear to your eye, Or even a thought to your mind. But, I cant be seen. What am I?

What Am I

The Past

#1155 - Interesting Riddle

I look at you, you look at me I raise my right,you raise your left. What am I ?

Interesting Riddle

A Mirror

#1156 - Rebus Picture Puzzle

What doest this rebus picture identifies ?

Rebus Picture Puzzle

Once in a blue moon

#1157 - Cool Math Puzzle

Pooja gave Neha as many euros as Neha started out with.
Neha then gave Pooja back as much as Pooja had left.
Pooja then gave Neha as back as many euros as Neha had left, which left Pooja broke and gave Neha a total of 80 pounds. How much did Pooja and Neha have at the beginning of their exchange?

Cool Math Puzzle

Pooja had 50pound and Neha had 30 pound.
Pooja Neha
50 30
20 60
40 40
0 80

#1158 - Funny Joke Question

Which is faster Heat or Cold? Explain ?

Funny Joke Question

Heat bcoz you catch cold but not heat

#1159 - One Line Puzzle

Why is a river so rich ?

One Line Puzzle

Because it has 2 banks

#1160 - Logical Puzzle

There are five men, let's say Tarun Harish Lavesh, Manoj, and Manish. All of them have a dot mark in their forehead. They can't see the dot on their own forehead, but can see the ones on others. The owner of WHITE dot is an honest person and will never lie, while the owner of BLACK dot always tell the lie.

This is the statement from Tarun Harish Lavesh, and Manish:
Tarun: 'I see 3 whites and 1 black'
Harish: 'I see 4 black'
Lavesh: 'I see 3 black and 1 white'
Manish: 'I see 4 white'

What color is the dot on each Tarun Harish Lavesh, Manoj, Manish forehead?

Logical Puzzle

Tarun Harish Lavesh, and Mansih stated a contradiction statement, so only one of them can said the truth.
We don't know yet where Manoj stands, it's still possible that he has black or white color.
Thus, the maximum possibility of white dots are 2, that is Manoj and 1 of Tarun Harish Lavesh, and Manish.
Tarun and Manish obviously told the lie, as they said there are 3 and 4 person has white dot, which leave us Harish and Lavesh .
Assuming Harish is white, then he must be telling the truth that he saw 4 black dots, which makes Lavesh a liar. This is an impossible situation, since Lavesh saw 3 black and 1 white (Lavesh has to be a liar, so there must be more than 1 white, meaning it's impossible Harish saw 4 blacks).
The only possibility is Lavesh told the truth.
So, Tarun Harish Manish have black dots, while Lavesh and Manoj have white dots.