#1391 - Cute Riddle

There was a kingdom in which the king had no heir to take over his thrown. Even the queen was dead and he himself was on the verge of dying. He thought about it and then summoned all of the teenagers. He gave one seed each to all of them and asked them to grow the plant. He announced that the one with the most beautiful plant will become the king/queen of the empire after the death of the king.

After a month, all of them were called. The king looked at all of the plants but announced the girl with empty pot as the queen of the empire. Why?

Cute Riddle

The king had passed faked seeds to all of them. The girl with the empty pot was honest and thus there was no plant growth in her pot whereas all the others had changed their seeds in order to grow a beautiful plant

#1392 - Sherlock Holmes The Sign of Three Logic

A man is found murdered in his bathroom naked with blood scattered all around him. The bathroom was locked from inside and there is no trace of any struggle. There is nothing in the bathroom except his pant with the belt still around and his shirt. Also, the medic team can't find any incision in his body that may have been the reason behind so much of blood loss.

The Police department is clueless regarding this murder mystery. But Sherlock solve the case.
Can you ?

Spoiler Alert Inspired by Sherlock Holmes Season 3 Episode 2 (The Sign of Three)

Sherlock Holmes The Sign of Three Logic

The killer did not need to be present at the crime scene. He used sort of an artistic technique to kill the victim. The incision was made by the very fine and this incision blade which is barely visible to naked eyes. It was stuck in victim's belt at any random point of time and he did not feel much due to the extremely fine surface of the blade. When the man undressed, he had to remove his pants due to which the incision blade was removed from his body cutting finely in its way out.
In this manner, the victim dies with the extreme blood loss and there was no evidence left.

#1393 - Wise Rebus Riddle

What does the below rebus riddle means?

Wise Rebus Riddle

Two wrong dont make a right

#1394 - Short Murder Mystery Riddle

In a party, two friends ordered single malt whiskey on the rocks. One of them drank five of the same in the time when his friend was able to drink only one. Immediately after, his friend died. However the other one was feeling completely normal.

Both the drinks were poisoned. How did the guy who drink five glasses survived?

Short Murder Mystery Riddle

The guy who drank five glasses survived because the poison was in the middle of ice cubes. He drank rapidly and thus the ice had no chance to melt in his drink while the other one drank slowly and thus enough ice had melted in his drink to poison it heavily and he died.

#1395 - Suicide Riddle

A man is found dead. When the investigation is done, he is found dead with a knife in his back. A chair sits beside him and the forensic team finds moisture around the body.

If he committed suicide, how did he do it?

Suicide Riddle

The man used an ice knife. The ice was capable of holding the knife pointing upwards and he dropped down on the chair with his back towards the knife. The moisture indicates the melting of ice.

#1396 - Math Figure Puzzle

An exterior architect is asked by a builder to plant seven trees in a manner that there are exactly six rows of trees in a straight line and each row has three trees in particular.

How will he do it?

Math Figure Puzzle

He will plant three trees as the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Now imagine an equilateral triangle. Three more trees will be planted on the center of each of the side of the triangle. The remaining one tree will be planted at the centroid of the hypothetical equilateral triangle.

#1397 - Math Logic Problem

In a modern art gallery, an artist has numerous modern art paintings created by him. He hangs different painting on the space provided to him periodically. When the clock hit 11 am, he hung the painting number 30. When it struck 4 pm, he hung the painting number 240 and when it struck 7:30 pm, he hung painting number 315.

Can you determine, which painting number will he hang when the time is 9:20 pm ?

Math Logic Problem

He will hang painting number 200 at that time. Every time he hangs the painting, the number of it corresponds with the angle between the minute and hour hand of the clocks.

#1398 - Tricky Maths Puzzle

A train leaves from point A for point B at 80 mph. After half an hour, another train leaves from point B for point A at 60 mph.

Which of the trains will be further from point A when they meet ?

Tricky Maths Puzzle

When the trains meet, they will be approximately be equally distant from point A. Of course if you get into precise details, the train that left from point A will be closer to A by its own length as they are coming from different directions.

#1399 - Logic Physics Riddle

Imagine that you have a box which have two cogwheels – one big with 24 teeth and one small with 8 teeth. The big one is firmly attached to the center of the box which means it does not turn or move while the small one rotates around the big one.

How many times do you think that the smaller wheel will turn compared to the box when it turns once around the big one?

Logic Physics Riddle

Three times is the most common answer however that is incorrect.

The small cogwheel will turn around four times.

You might already have deciphered that while turning against each other, the small wheel will turn three times (3*8) as the big wheel turns once (24 teeth). Now what we require is the big wheel to stop and the small one to turn around the big one. In this process, the small one will make another full turn on the way around the big one. Thus in total, it will make four turns.

#1400 - Hard Who Am I Riddle

I am a normal creature, but I have five hands. I can even have more but even then I will be considered normal.

Who am I?

Hard Who Am I Riddle

I am a person wearing an analogue watch. Thus I have two hands of my own and my watch has three more hands i.e. hour, minute and second hand. I can wear a watch that have a millisecond hand as well.