#1421 - Tricky Fun Riddle

Do you know who was buried in Drake's tomb?

Tricky Fun Riddle

Drake obviously

#1422 - BlackRock Interview Puzzle

In a party, there are five people and a whole round cake lying at the center of table. Only four people will make a cut and take their piece and the last one will get the remaining piece on the table. How can they make sure that everyone gets a 1/5th of piece?

BlackRock Interview Puzzle

Please refer to the picture. If the four people cut along with the line, everyone will get an equal piece.

#1423 - Easy Murderer Mystery Riddle

A man plots the murder of his wife. His plan is full proof. Nobody saw them leaving their house. He stabbed her with a knife while driving. She died on the spot. He threw her body in a valley. He threw the knife carefully wiping his finger prints on a random garbage bin. Then he went back to his home and no one was watching him this time as well.

After an hour, he was called by the local police department who informed him that his wife was murdered. They asked him to reach the scene of crime immediately. But as soon as he arrived at the crime scene, he was arrested by them.

How did the police know that he himself is the murderer?

Easy Murderer Mystery Riddle

It is clear that the police never told him where the crime scene was. But still he reached the correct place. It means that he knew about the crime and he himself is the murderer.

#1424 - Fun Maths Riddle

There are four numbers given to you: 2, 3, 4 and 5. You are allowed to use only two mathematical symbols: + and = and come up with a mathematically true equation.

Can you do it?

PS- You can't repeat the symbols or numbers.

Fun Maths Riddle

3^2 = 4 + 5
(^ is used for squaring the term, it is not a mathematical symbol.)

#1425 - HubSpot Interview Puzzle

In a family supper, a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one daughter in law, and one mother in law need to sit at a table.

There are only seven chairs available at the place. How many more chairs do they have to borrow so that everyone can sit down together for the suppers if everybody requires a separate chair?

HubSpot Interview Puzzle

No other chair is required as there are only seven people:
A Grandfather married to Grandmother.
They have a son who is married to a woman.
Together, they have three children - One son and two daughters.

These are the only seven people

#1426 - IAS Tricky Question

While handling a project, the landscaper is asked by the owner of the mansion that he wants four trees in front of his mansion that are exactly equidistant from each other.

How will he do it?

IAS Tricky Question

He will have to form the shape of a tetrahedron. This means that, he will plan three trees on the vertices of an equilateral triangle and then plant one at the exact center. In this way, all the trees will be equidistant from each other.

#1427 - Math Fraction Riddle

Arrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 above and below the division line in a manner that the thus formed fractions equals to 1/3.

You can use one number only once.

The numerator will have four digits and the denominator will have five digits.

Math Fraction Riddle

This fraction will result in 1/3.

#1428 - Algebraic Equation Puzzle

Place a mathematical symbol between the numerals 5 and 9 in such a way that the resulting number is greater than 5 but smaller than 9.

Algebraic Equation Puzzle

If we place a decimal between the numbers it will become 5.9 which is what we needed.

#1429 - Infosys Bridge Crossing Puzzle

A family is trapped in a jungle. There is a bridge which can lead them to safety. But at one time, the bridge can only allow two people to pass through. Also, all of them are afraid of the dark and thus, they can’t go alone.

Father takes 1 minute to cross, mother takes 2 minutes, son takes 4 and the daughter takes 5 minutes. While crossing the time taken will be according to the slower one. How can they all reach at the other side in the minimum possible time ?

Infosys Bridge Crossing Puzzle

12 minutes
Father and Mother goes first: 2 minutes.
Father comes back: 2+1 = 3 minutes.
Both children go to mother: 3 + 5 = 8 minutes.
Mother comes back to Father: 8 + 2 = 10 minutes.
Mother and Father go: 10 + 2 = 12 minutes.

Thus, all of them reach the other sides in 12 minutes.

#1430 - Famous Birthday Riddle

On a certain day, Kian celebrated his birthday. Two days later, his older twin brother Shane celebrated his birthday.

Is this even possible? How can it be?

Famous Birthday Riddle

When the mother of Shane and Kian went into labor, she was travelling in a boat. Shane, the elder one was born on 1st of March. Just after his birth, the boat crossed the international time zone and Kian was born on 28th of February. Now, if it is a leap year, the younger brother will celebrate his birthday two days before the elder one.