#1481 - Number Sequence

Find the missing number in the sequence ?
3 5/3 7/5 11/7 ? 17/11

3 5/3 7/5 11/7 13/9 17/11

Numerator is prime number series 3,5,7,11 13 17
and Denominator is +2 series 1(1=1/1),3,5,7,9,11

#1482 - Trick Questions For Kids

Can you arrange 10 cones in 5 lines such that each of the lines have just 4 cones?

Draw a pentagonal star. Now place each of the cone at the intersection points and you will get the desired results.

#1483 - Citi Bank Interview Puzzle

There are three boxes labelled as Red Balls, Black Balls and Red and Black Balls. Each one of the box is labelled incorrectly. You have just one chance to pick up from any box and then label the boxes correctly.

How will you do it?

Citi Bank Interview Puzzle

Pick up from the box that is labelled as Red and Black Balls. Since they are labelled incorrectly, it should have either Red Balls only or Black Balls only.

Suppose you get a Red Ball, then you will be sure that this box has Red Balls only and you can label it that. Now the box that has been labelled as Black cannot have Black balls as all were labelled incorrectly. Also, we know that we have found the Red Balls box. Thus it must be the box with Red and Black Balls. Now the only box that remains is the one labelled as Red Balls. You can label it as Black Balls now.

#1484 - Short Funny Puzzle

There are forty elephants and they have forty-fore heads. How can this be possible?

Short Funny Puzzle

The forty elephants have forty foreheads.

#1485 - Calculate Distance Puzzle

Two friends plan to meet. They both own a bike and hops on to their respective bikes and kick start the journey together deciding to meet halfway. Each of them is riding at 6 MPH and their houses are 36 miles apart from each other. One of them has a dog who also begins running at that very instant. The dog keeps running back and forth at 18 MPH from one friend to another till they meet at the half way.

Can you calculate the distance that the dog has traveled in total?

Calculate Distance Puzzle


This problem is much simple than it appears to be. Just see to the fact that it will take 3 hours for the friends to meet. How? Go figure out with Speed, Distance and Time relations. Now, he dog will be running for three hours in total at 18 MPH. Thus he will cover a total distance of 18 * 3 = 54 miles.

#1486 - Deductive Thinking Puzzle

There are three identical triplets sisters. Demi is the oldest of them all and she always speaks truth. Diana is the next one who is a liar always. Drew, the youngest of them all speaks both truth and lies randomly.

On a rainy day, a family friend Victor visited them. Since there were starkly identical, he was not able to recognize them. Thus to clarify, he asked one question to each one of them.

He started with the one standing on the left and asked, 'Which sister is in the middle of you three?' She answered, 'That’s Demi.'

Then, he asked the one standing in the middle, 'What is your name?' She answered, 'I am Drew.'

Finally he asked the one standing on the right, 'Who is standing in the middle?' She answered, 'She is Diana.'

Victor was left baffled. He asked the questions three times and received different answers every time.

Can you tell who was who?

Deductive Thinking Puzzle

The first girl cannot be Demi as that would make the first one liar. For the same reason, Demi cannot be the second one as well. Therefore, the third one is Demi for sure. This further suggests that the middle one is Diana and the one on the left is Drew.

#1487 - Quick Mind Test

On a bright sunny day, two fathers took their son fishing in the lake. Each man and son were able to catch one fish. When they returned to their camp, there were only three wishes in the basket. What happened?

PS: None of the fishes were eaten, lost or thrown back.

Quick Mind Test

This happened because there were only three people actually who went to fishing: The son, his father and his grandfather

#1488 - Rebus Puzzle For Middle School

what does this picture tell you ?

Rebus Puzzle For Middle School

Generation Gap

#1489 - Easy Logical Question

Three friends named Mr. Black, Mr. Yellow and Mr. Green enter a pub on a weekend night. They are wearing either a Black, Yellow or Green shirt.

Mr. Yellow says to them, 'Did you notice that we all are wearing different color shirts than our names?'

To this, the man who was wearing the Green shirt said. 'Wow, thats right.'

Can you identify who is wearing which color shirt ?

Easy Logical Question

The answer is right in front of you. Since all are wearing different color shirts from their names, we know that Mr. Yellow is either wearing a Black or a Green shirt. But through the two statements, we already know that Green shirt is worn by somebody other than Mr. Yellow. Through this we can deduce that Mr. Yellow is wearing a Black shirt.

Now Mr. Green is definitely not wearing a Green shirt and since Black shirt is already worn by Mr. Yellow, he must be wearing a Yellow shirt.

Now we have one person left and one color left. Thus, Mr. Black must be wearing a Green shirt.

#1490 - Relation Puzzle

You come across a man sitting on the shore of a sea. That man is holding a picture in his hands and crying. Concerned, you decide to go and talk with him.

Reaching him, you ask him, 'Whose picture are you holding?'

To this he, looks at you and then turn back towards the picture muttering, 'Brothers and sisters I have none, his father I my father’s son.'

Can you find out the person in the picture?

Relation Puzzle

The person in the picture is that man's son.