#1641 - Mother Age Maths Puzzle

Ramon is 45 years old and his mother Athena is 73 years old.

Can you find out how many years ago, his mother was three times his age?

When Ramon was 14.

Thus, the answer is 31 years ago. Ramon was 14 and Athena was 42.

#1642 - How many triangles do you see puzzle

How many triangles do you see in the picture puzzle below ?

How many triangles do you see puzzle


#1643 - Easy Rebus Teaser

What does below rebus means ?

Easy Rebus Teaser

Flat Tyre

#1644 - Which Person What Floor

Six people park their car in an underground parking of a store. The store has six floors in all. Each one of them goes to different floor. Simon stays in the lift for the longest. Sia gets out before Peter but after Tracy. The first one to get out is Harold. Debra leaves after Tracy who gets out at the third floor.

Can you find out who leaves the lift at which floor?

Harold leaves at the first floor.
Debra leaves at the second floor.
Tracy leaves at the third floor.
Sia leaves at the fourth floor.
Peter leaves at the fifth floor.
Simon leaves at the sixth floor.

#1645 - Sherlock holmes murderer puzzle

The fifth richest man in the Baker Street named Mr. Bill Richman is kidnapped. Sherlock Holmes is appointed on the case. At the crime scene, a note is found written by Mr. Richman. The note read:
"First of January, Fourth of October, Fifth of March, Third of June."
Sherlock knew that somehow, the killer name was hidden in the note. The following were the suspects:
Jack Richman, the son and the heir of property.
John Jacobson, the employee of Richman.
June Richman, the wife of Richman.

Sherlock took only a few moments to deduce the killer name. Can you tell who was the killer?

The kidnapper was John Jacobson.
All you have to do is read the note carefully.
First of January = First letter of January i.e. J.

The name is JOHN.

#1646 - Who Am I Quick Riddle

Fate has decided that you will only be pleased to meet me when you need me

May be thats why, when I am working, I start working

However annoying I may be to the regulars, the little ones are always inspired

I will always be waiting, if you try to reach me

How many of you can guess my name, let me see

I am Ambulance

#1647 - What I Am

I am under you when I am whole.
I shift above you if you remove the first letter.
I come all around you if you remove the second as well.

Can you tell me who I am?

You are Chair.

#1648 - How Possible Puzzle

Two fathers and two sons decided to go to a shop and bought some sweets upon reaching. Each of them bought 1 kg of sweet. All of them returned home after sometime and found out that they had 3kg of sweets with them.

They did not eat the sweets in way, nor did they threw or lost anything. Then, how can this be possible?

The people who went to shopping were son, father and grandfather. Thus, there were only three people even though they can be called as two fathers and two sons. This is why only 3kg of sweets.

#1649 - Guess What Question

A man embarked on a questionnaire game. He kept asking the same question to whomever he found. The answer each time was different.

Can you guess what the question was?

The question that he asked was "What is the time?"

#1650 - Massage parlor Paradox Riddle

Outside a massage parlor there is a board that reads "I only massage those who do not massage themselves."

Reading above statement, does the masseur massages himself?

Well this is a paradox sentence which does not have any specific answer.