#1661 - Rebus Image Problem

Solve rebus picture below ?

Rebus Image Problem

Up to a point

#1662 - How Many Squares Riddle

Count number of squares in picture below ?

How Many Squares Riddle

16 (5+1+1+4+5)

5 black coloured squares.
1 red coloured square.
1 blue coloured square.
4 small green coloured squares in middle.
5 large green coloured squares.

#1663 - Probability Interview Gun Puzzle

You are stuck with a gangster who likes to play it rough. The only way to survive is to accept his invitation to play Russian Roulette.

He presents a revolver in which, three bullets have been placed consecutively. Now he spins the chamber cylinder of the gun. The cylinder wont be spun again. The gun will be passed between both of you till the gun fires and one of you is dead.

Will you prefer to go first or second if you are given a choice ?


Let us label the chambers for our convenience as C1, C2... C6.

Now, when the cylinder is spun, there can be the following six outcomes.
1. If C1 is fired first: Player 1 dies.
2. If C2 is fired first: Player 1 dies.
3. If C3 is fired first: Player 1 dies.
4. If C4 is fired first: Player 2 dies (First shot, player 1, C4 empty. Second shot player 2, C5, empty. Third shot player 1, C6 empty. Fourth shot player 2, C1 not empty.)
5. C5 is fired first: Player 1 dies (First shot, player 1, C5 empty. Second shot player 2, C6, empty. Third shot player 1, C1 not empty.)
6. C6 is fired first: Player 2 dies (First shot, player 1, C6 empty. Second shot, player 2, C1, not empty)

Therefore, if you choose to go second, you have a 4/6 or 2/3 chance of winning.

#1664 - How Many Squares Can You Find

Can you count the number of squares in the given picture?

How Many Squares Can You Find

The total number of squares are 17.
Let us assume that the smaller square is 1 unit in size.

Number of squares with 1 unit size = 12
Number of squares with 2 unit size = 5

There is no square with 3 unit size.

Thus total number of squares = 12 + 5 = 17.

#1665 - Maths Sets Puzzles

In a school, 280 students studied chemistry, 254 students studied physics and 280 students studied biology.

97 students studied chemistry as well as physics, 138 students studied physics as well as biology and 152 students studied chemistry as well as biology.

73 students studied all the three branches.

Can you find out the total number of students?

There are a total of 500 students.To make you understand clearly, we are posting a venn diagram for the same.

#1666 - Algebra Cipher Puzzle

If "P" means "-", "Q" means "/", "R" means "+", and "S" means "*" then find the value of the following:

21 Q 7 R 9 S 10 P 13


21 Q 7 R 9 S 10 P 13
= 21 / 7 + 9 * 10 - 13
= 3 + 90 - 13
= 80

#1667 - How Many Chicken Maths Problem

A farmer sold a few chickens to four different customers on a particular day. It was such that each customer purchased half of the remaining chickens and a half chicken more.

Can you find out how many chicken were sold by the farmer on that day if we tell you that the fourth customer bought a single chicken ?

A total of 15 chickens were sold by the farmer.

We know that the fourth customer bought just one from the total chickens. Thus, we can form the equation:
Total - (Total / 2 + 1/2) = 1
If you solve it, you will find that the total is 3.

Now, we can keep working this method till we reach the first customer.

The 1st customer bought 15 / 2 + 1/2 = 8 (leaving 7)
The 2nd customer bought 7 / 2 + 1/2 = 4 (leaving 3)
The 3rd customer bought 3 / 2 + 1/2 = 2 (leaving 1)
The 4th customer bought 1 / 2 + 1/2 = 1

When we add the numbers, we get
8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15.

#1668 - Algebra Rebus

Solve algebra rebus ?

Algebra Rebus

To be or not to be

#1669 - Solve Who Am I Riddle

I am a mother. However, I never give birth.

I am a father. However, I never nurse my children.

Wandering is not possible for me, but standing still happens occurs rarely.

Who am I?


#1670 - Logic Container Time Puzzle

A large container is kept in open under the rain. Every passing hour, the water collected inside the container becomes double it was.

In ten hours, the container is filled completely. Can you calculate how long would it have taken to be filled half?

The answer is 9 hours.

Since we know that the water becomes double in the quantity every passing hour and that it was filled completely in ten hours, we need to go back one-step. Take out one hour and divide the quantity by 2.