#1841 - Very Hard Statements Puzzle

The pound is not a finish.

We are sharing a few instructions below, which you have to use in any suitable order to modify the above sentence such that the end sentence is a scientific fact.

- Eliminate a letter and supplement another in its place.
- Take away one word.
- Remove one letter from one word.
- Get rid of two letters from one word.
- Swap a word with its antonym.

Let us find a way around things:

- Swap a word with its antonym.
The pound is not a start.

- Remove one letter from one word.
The pound is not a star.

- Take away one word.
The pound is a star.

- Eliminate a letter and supplement another in its place.
The sound is a star.

- Get rid of two letters from one word.
The sun is a star.

Which is a scientific fact!

#1842 - What is It Trick Riddle

No one wants to have it, but if one got it, he does not want to lose it. What is It?

A bald Head (No one wants to be bald and if the person got bald then he does not want to lose his head.)

#1843 - Last Number Sequence Puzzle

Can you find the last number in the below sequence puzzle?

16 105 636 3175 12704 38109 ?

(1+1) * 8 = 16
(16-1) * 7 = 105
+1) * 6 = 636 (3175+1) * 4 = 12704
(12704-1) * 3 = 38109

#1844 - Toughest Statement Riddle

Can you write a sentence that satisfies following three properties
1. Its a palindrome
2. The statement is true.
3. It Can be used as a template to generate an infinite number of sentences which are both palindromes and true.

"x", sides reversed, is "x".
It can be infinitely extended as
"x", sides reversed, is "x", sides reversed, is "x", sides reversed, is "x".

#1845 - Hollywood Movie Rebus Riddle

Which famous Hollywood movie name is hidden in the below rebus?

Hollywood Movie Rebus Riddle

Spy + derm (perm - p + d) + an(ant-t)

#1846 - Alphametic Puzzle

Cab you solve the alphametic puzzle by replacing alphabet with the number?

S T O R M +

49502 +

#1847 - Alpha Delta Relation Riddle

Alpha is Beta sister.

Gamma is Beta mother.

Delta is Gamma father.

Sipi is Delta mother.


How is Alpha related to Delta?

Alpha is the granddaughter of Delta.

Alpha is the sister of Beta and Beta is the daughter of Gamma.
So, Alpha is the daughter of Gamma.
Also, Delta is the father of Gamma.

Therefore, Alpha is the granddaughter of Delta.

#1848 - Sophie Birthday Riddle

How can Sophie was born on 25 December, still Sophie birthday is during the summer?

Sophie was born in the Southern Hemisphere.

#1849 - Funny Nonsense Riddle

Landon Donovan was fined for taking a picture of man in yellow cap. Why?

Stealing(Taking) Picture allowed nowhere.

#1850 - Missing Wheel Riddle

While sitting in the car, Adam suddenly finds that one of the wheels was missing. Adam noticed that a killer is approaching towards him. Adam cannot get out of the car.

How will Adam escape?

The missing wheel was the Stepney and hence Adam easily escapes just by driving.