#1961 - Commonwealth Swimming Race Brain Teaser

Five participants ( A B C D and E) participated in the swimming race of commonwealth games.
1. The first will get the Gold.
2. The second will get the Silver.
3. The Third will get the Bronze.

All the below statements are false :
1. A did not get gold and B did not get silver;
2. D did not get silver and B did not get bronze;
3. C won a medal, but D didn't;
4. A won a medal, but C didn't;
5. D won a medal and E did, too.

Which participants wins gold, silver, and bronze?

Commonwealth Swimming Race Brain Teaser

A - Gold
D - Silver
C - Bronze

#1962 - Perception Sound Forest Brain Teaser

A tree falls in a dense forest where there is no one. Does it still count as a sound?

Perception Sound Forest Brain Teaser

This is a Perception riddle and hence there is no right or wrong attached to this answer.

It can be considered as a sound
> It makes the sounds of branches snapping and the almighty thump when the trunk hits the hard ground. The sound is sound and doesn't rely on people to interpret it.
> Yes. And isn't that a rather arrogant question, as what about all the animals that presumably hear it?

It cannot be considered as a sound because
> Does it depend on what you mean by 'sound'? The airwaves would still vibrate but without an ear/listening device to receive them, there would be no sound.
> The sound is something within human experience. Outside of this, it's just air (or whatever another medium) vibrating. If someone is there to hear it, it makes a sound, if not, it causes rapid movement of particles.

#1963 - Orange Brain Teaser

I like Orange but at the same time, I hate it. Explain?

Orange Brain Teaser

You like orange fruit and hate orange color or vice versa.

#1964 - Funny Flowers Riddle

Which flowers do you smell under your nose?

Funny Flowers Riddle

Two Lips = tulips

#1965 - Tokeepuch Pictogram

What does below Pictogram means?

Tokeepuch Pictogram

Keep In Touch

#1966 - Like Baboon Riddle

What looks like Baboon but is not a Baboon?

Like Baboon Riddle

A picture of Baboon.

#1967 - Gravity Pictogram

what does below Gravity Pictogram means?

Gravity Pictogram

Center of gravity.

#1968 - Scooter Reach Petrol

Which scooter will reach the petrol first?

Scooter Reach Petrol

Scooter B

#1969 - Langur Dog Bet

A Langur and a Dog were having an argument about whom being the smartest of them. The Dog challenges Langur that he can sit at a place where Langur cannot. Langur accepts the bet and lost.

What was the place where the Dog can sit but Langur cannot?

Langur Dog Bet

At the Langur head.

#1970 - Fast Day Riddle

If Today is Monday.

What day of the week will it be 82 days from today?

Fast Day Riddle


Since each day of the week is repeated after 7 days.
So, after 84 days, it will be Monday.
Therefore, After 82 days, it will be Sunday.