#2111 - Train Puzzle

Charles walks over a railway-bridge. At the moment that he is just ten meters away from the middle of the bridge, he hears a train coming from behind. At that moment, the train, which travels at a speed of 90 km/h, is exactly as far away from the bridge as the bridge measures in length. Without hesitation, Charles rushes straight towards the train to get off the bridge. In this way, he misses the train by just four meters! If Charles would, however, have rushed exactly as fast in the other direction, the train would have hit him eight meters before the end of the bridge.

What is the length of the railway-bridge?

Let the length of the bridge be x meters.
Running towards the train, Charles covers 0.5x-10 meters in the time that the train travels x-4 meters. Running away from the train, Charles covers 0.5x+2 meters in the time that the train travels 2x-8 meters.

Because their speeds are constant, the following holds:

(0.5x-10) / (x-4) = (0.5x+2) / (2x-8)
which can be rewritten to
0.5x2 - 24x + 88 = 0
Using the abc formula we find that x=44, so the railway-bridge has a length of 44 meters.

#2112 - Maths Teaser

Try to find out a multi-digit number that if multiplied by the number 9 or any of its multiplications products (18, 27, 36, 45,..) will result in the multiplication factor repeated (n) number of times

The number is: 12345679
12345679 * 9 = 111111111
12345679 * 18 = 222222222
12345679 * 27 = 333333333
And so on...

#2113 - Distance Puzzle

Two friends decide to get together; so they start riding bikes towards each other. They plan to meet halfway. Each is riding at 6 MPH. They live 36 miles apart. One of them has a pet carrier pigeon and it starts flying the instant the friends start traveling. The pigeon flies back and forth at 18 MPH between the 2 friends until the friends meet.

How many miles does the pigeon travel?

It takes 3 hours for the friends to meet; so the pigeon flies for 3 hours at 18 MPH = 54 miles

#2114 - Sepetember Cipher Puzzle

What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?

Hard, using the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the second word, etc

#2115 - Good Riddle

At a local bar, three friends, Mr. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. Blue, were having a drink. One man was wearing a red suit; one a green suit; and the other a blue suit. 'Have you noticed,' said the man in the blue suit, 'that although our suits have colors corresponding to our names, not one of us is wearing a suit that matches our own names?' Mr. Red looked at the other two and said, 'You're absolutely correct.' View Answer Discuss

Since none of the men are wearing the color of suit that corresponds to their names, and Mr. Red was replying to the man in the blue suit, it had to be Mr. Green to whom he replied. We then know that Mr.Green is wearing a blue suit. Therefore, Mr. Red is wearing a green suit and Mr. Blue is wearing a red suit.