#2301 - Alphabets Number Series

Solve the following series:
AZ, GT, MN, __, YB

Alphabets Number Series

Look carefully at the pattern. The first letter is moving 6 letters forward while the second letter is moving six steps backwards.

#2302 - Wise Man Story Riddle

An old man had three sons. He was dying and wanted to leave all his property with his wisest son. So he call all three of them and gives them equal amount of money and asks them to buy something from that money that can fill their living room entirely.

The first son bought straw but due to shortage of money, he was not able to fill the entire room. The second son bought sticks, but again they were not enough to fill the room. But the third son bought two things that filled the room completely.

Can you find out what did he buy?

Wise Man Story Riddle

The third son bought a candle and a matchstick. He lighted the candle with the matchstick and the room was filled completely with light.

#2303 - Paradox Brain Teaser

The following sentence is false. The preceding sentence is true.
Are these two sentences true or false?

Paradox Brain Teaser

They are neither. It is a paradox.For first to be true, second must be false which makes the first false as well. Thus it does not work.

#2304 - Hard Clock Puzzle

A pocket watch is rotated voluntarily. See the picture given with this question. If the colored hands represents the hour, second and minute hands of the watch, can you determine the time? Hint: It's somewhere in the afternoon.

Hard Clock Puzzle

There are sixty marks, so logically each mark is there for a minute.

Now, the hour hand is on a mark when the minute hand is on [0, 12, 24, 36, 48]. When the minute hand is on a mark, the second hand is on noon. But the blue hand cannot be the second hand. (It would be on noonand it would be eighteen minutes past/before a full hour.)

a) Green is on twelve. Red indicates twenty four minutes. Blue indicates forty two [minutes] = 8 + 2/5 [hours] = 8:24
b) Green is on twelve. Red indicates thirty six minutes. Blue indicates eighteen [minutes] = 3 + 3/5 [hours] = 3:36
c) Red is on twelve = 3:36
d) Red is on twelve = 8:24.

Also, keep in mind that the watch can be rotated upside down as well.

#2305 - Easy Maths Riddle

A man had seven children. Upon receiving his salary, he called all of them. He had $100 with him to give to his children. He decided to start with the youngest child and then give $2 more than each younger child to his next elder child.

For example, if he gives $x to the youngest child, he will give $(x+2) to the next one, $[(x+2) + 2] to the next one and so on.

Can you find out how much did the youngest one receive?

Easy Maths Riddle

The youngest child received $16.

#2306 - Mystery Thinking Riddle

A man is surviving on an island along with his friend. They have been starving from four days for food. Suddenly, they find a fisherman. The friend goes with the fisherman in order to catch the fish (if they can find any).

The fisherman returns after some time but he is alone and have some salmon that he had prepared. When asked, the fisherman tells him that his best friend fell off the boat and drowned in the water. Starving for so long, he eats the meal while crying for his friend.

After being rescued, he goes to a diner and orders salmon. When he eats his meal, he jumps commit suicide. Why did he do it?

Mystery Thinking Riddle

After tasting the salmon, he realized that what he ate on the island was not salmon but probably the flesh of his best friend.

#2307 - Logic Picture Riddle

Check the figure given with this question. You have a square. What you have to do is cut and reassemble the square such that you create a Red Cross sign that has the same volume as that of the square.

Logic Picture Riddle

The figure given is self-explanatory. But if you are unable to understand, here is what we did. We cut along the lines and remove the blue parts. Now rotate the paper a bit and place the cut parts like it is shown.

#2308 - Funny Short Murder Puzzle

So many people saw a man killing his wife. Despite of this, no one is able to accuse him of the murder and send him behind the bars.


Funny Short Murder Puzzle

This is because that man is a hangman and his wife has been apparently sentenced to death. So he had to kill her.

#2309 - Easy Childrens Riddle

While going to your grandmother's house, you counted seventeen houses on the right side. While returning back to your home, you counted seventeen houses on the left side.

How many houses are there between your home and your grandmother's home?

Easy Childrens Riddle

They are the same houses. So there are seventeen houses in total.

#2310 - Science Riddle For High School

There is a boat with a brick of gold and a brick of iron. Both the blocks are exactly 10 inch in size. If they are dropped into the surrounding water of river.

Which one of the blocks will make the water level higher?

Science Riddle For High School

The iron block will make the water level higher.

In actual terms, none of the block will make the water level higher. This is because, while in the boat, they have a larger effect on the water level and they are raising it. But, when they are dropped in the water, they will actually make the water level drop. But, the iron block will make the water level drop much less than the gold block because it is lighter and will have less effect on the water from the boat but will displace the same amount of water as the gold one when dropped into the water.