#2321 - Solve Algebraic Equation


If O, T and E are not zero, and all the letters have a distinct value, can you solve for the letters?

O=2, N=3, E=5, T=6, H=9, R=7, L=0, V=1, W=4, Y=8

Only then,
One + One + One + Three + Three + Eleven = Twenty
235 + 235 + 235 + 69755 + 69755 + 505153 = 645368

#2322 - Tic Tac Toe Riddle

This is basically a game of Tic-Tac-Toe which you all might have played innumerable times. Here, we are playing with the black and white markers instead. Also, there is a bit change to the rules. The changed rules allows you to play just three times. After the three markers are put by each of the players, you can only slide your marker into an empty square that shares a common wall with the square that the marker is leaving.You can refer to the figure given. If this is the position of the game, the white's next move would be from 6 to 3. Now, whatever the black does, the white one will move his marker from 5 to 2 and he will have a three in a row.What you have to decide is if both of the players are using a perfect strategy, will the white player (who plays first) always win? Or it will be the black one who will win always? Or every game will be a draw?

Tic Tac Toe Riddle

Let us try and make the white win when black's first move is to a non-corner square. White begins at 5 and black places its first marker at 2. White puts at 9 and black puts at 1. White plays at 3. Now if black puts at 7 to block, white will move from 5 to 6 and will win. But in this game, black can only play his last marker at 6. White can't win on the next move as his market at square 9 won't be able to get to square 7 in a single move. But white cam get to square 7 before black can block him or win. White will move from 8 to 7 to win the game. Thus, white can always force a win if he starts from the center of the square.

#2323 - Shortest Funniest Country Riddle

What country can make you shiver?

Shortest Funniest Country Riddle


#2324 - Maths Sets Problem

Jim has three close friends at his school: Michael, John and Alice. Two of them play football, two play basketball and two play hockey. The friend who does not play hockey does not play basketball as well. The friend who does not play football, does not play hockey.

Can you identify which sport/s is played by which person?

Maths Sets Problem

John and Michael play all the three sports. Alice plays none.
This is after assuming that girls do not play football. If in case, the school had a girl's football league, we would know only that one of the three play no sports at all and the others play all three.

#2325 - Chinese Checkers Puzzle

See the given image carefully. What you have to do is move the blue checkers in the position of the black checkers and vice versa. You are only allowed to move the checker to an adjacent empty space. Do it in the least possible moves.

Chinese Checkers Puzzle

1 -> 4
6 -> 1
2 -> 6
5 -> 2
4 -> 5

Of course, you can do in a different manner, this is just one of the possible solution with least number of moves.

#2326 - One Line Fun Riddle

How will you convert a TV, a bed, a dog and a car into liquid?

By selling them.

#2327 - How Can I Riddle

I can only point in one direction and yet, I can guide people all around the world. How?

I am a compass, I help people in navigation.

#2328 - BrainBat Riddle

What can you deduce from the following BrainBat?


Cry over spilt milk.

#2329 - Athenahealth Interview Puzzle

You enter a logical virtual tournament. The first problem that is in front of you is as follows:
You have a three liters and a 5 liters measuring jars. There is a huge tank of water behind you comprising of about 100 liters of water. You have to use only these two jars and take out exactly 4 liters of water. How will you do it ?

Athenahealth Interview Puzzle

Let us name the 5 liters and 3 liters jars as A and B respectively.
First fill A completely.
Now fill B with it completely. Now B has 3 liters of water. Pour it out completely. Now fill the remaining 2 liters of water from A to B. Now B has 2 liters of water while A is empty.
Next, Fill A again fully. Now, fill B with it (which had just 1 liters of capacity remaining). Thus now, A has exactly 4 liters of water.

#2330 - Maths Set Theory Puzzle

In a school, there are four subjects. Seventy percent of students study English, seventy five percent of students study Science, eighty five percent of students study Mathematics and eighty percent of students study Spanish.

Can you calculate the percentage of students that study all four subjects?

Maths Set Theory Puzzle

Only ten percent of students study all the four subjects in school.